Thursday, December 12, 2019

Moral And Scientific Progress Due To Christianity?

There is a widespread opinion within Christianity that the moral progress of humanity is due to Christianity. This book authored by John Dickerson entitled "Jesus Skeptic" is a good example of this biased thinking. Dickerson claims that Jesus "launched the greatest movement for social good in human history." This review challenges his claim:
  • " - - - Dickerson claims that the advances of the scientific method, fostering public education and universities, pioneering hospitals and modern medicine, and the abolition of slavery were core developments in human society in which Christians have been the primary participants. These seem to be in juxtaposition to broader assumptions about Christianity that it is anti-science, anti-intellectual, superstitious, and complicit in human injustice. - - - These four areas are selectively chosen and while there are Christians who were active in these areas, there are also Christians who were active in opposition. To present the narrative that Christian faith is the primary factor responsible for science, education, medicine, and freedom also carries a dangerous assumption that non-Christians are incapable of supporting the same virtuous activities. - - - "
Also, here are three articles in opposition to this claim (link)(link)(link).
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In addition to the above, apologists claim that science came from Christianity. As this video shows (beginning at 9:30), this ignores the science from Islam, and those civilizations before the beginning of Christianity such as the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Chinese, and the Indians from which Christianity borrowed. Also, the claim cannot be falsified because a controlled experiment is impossible.

In western civilization, all scientists in the early stages of science were male and white. Based on this flawed thinking, being male and/or white could also be its cause. Finally, since Christianity controlled every form of education during the early years of science in Europe, how could scientists NOT be Christian?

(NOTE: ALL religious people stop at Level 2 of Moral Development, according to Lawrence Kohlberg: "Behavior driven by obeying authority and conforming to social order." (link)

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***If you disagree with this post, how do you justify or verify that your beliefs are true? What is your view regarding the value of evidence?***
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