Showing posts with label Secular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secular. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

No, The Religious Are NOT More Moral. In Fact - - -

Phil Zuckerman's book "What It Means to Be Moral: Why Religion Is Not Necessary for Living an Ethical Life" is one of the best counter-apologetics to the claim that one must be religious to be moral.

Click on the link below for his video presenting the main evidence for countering this claim:

Are Religious People More Moral than Atheists? Here are the Facts

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Islam: A "Religion Of Peace?"

Many sources have stated that Islam has never gone through its Reformation like Christianity has (link). However, how successful have so-called "Reformations" been? Every major religion seems to have factions on the conservative-liberal spectrum. That said, there seems to be a particular problem with Islam regarding peacefully existing in nations with secular governments (link). This article from the Friendly Atheist Blog seems to sum up the problem:


Based on the above, it is my opinion that there will never be peace where Islam is the majority religion until the present "Revelations" are over-written OR the majority of Islam just truly "Reforms" to the point of being secular in culture.

Friday, November 27, 2020

No, Religious Societies Are NOT Better

There is a trove of data rejecting the claim that religious societies are better. Click on the links below for the truth:

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"Do societies fall apart when they become more secular? Clearly not."

"Are secular countries worse off than religious ones? Is atheism the downfall of nations? Are countries cursed by god when they stray from the faith? Or do non-religious outperform religious countries on measures of wealth, well-being and success? Today, we'll dive into the data to see if atheism is, in fact, the downfall of nations or if the blessing of God/curse of secularism is a myth."

"Are Christian countries better off than secular countries? Does God bless Christian nations and curse atheist countries? Or are the secular countries better off when we measure wealth, prosperity, happiness, and well-being?"

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Trump Administration’s Assault On Science And Secularism

 "Our timeline recaps four years of executive orders and federal agency policies that have attacked science and eroded the wall of separation between church and state."

Frankly, I can't imagine a worse display of magical thinking by a POTUS. Click on the link below:

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Moral And Scientific Progress Due To Christianity?

There is a widespread opinion within Christianity that the moral progress of humanity is due to Christianity. This book authored by John Dickerson entitled "Jesus Skeptic" is a good example of this biased thinking. Dickerson claims that Jesus "launched the greatest movement for social good in human history." This review challenges his claim:
  • " - - - Dickerson claims that the advances of the scientific method, fostering public education and universities, pioneering hospitals and modern medicine, and the abolition of slavery were core developments in human society in which Christians have been the primary participants. These seem to be in juxtaposition to broader assumptions about Christianity that it is anti-science, anti-intellectual, superstitious, and complicit in human injustice. - - - These four areas are selectively chosen and while there are Christians who were active in these areas, there are also Christians who were active in opposition. To present the narrative that Christian faith is the primary factor responsible for science, education, medicine, and freedom also carries a dangerous assumption that non-Christians are incapable of supporting the same virtuous activities. - - - "
Also, here are three articles in opposition to this claim (link)(link)(link).
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In addition to the above, apologists claim that science came from Christianity. As this video shows (beginning at 9:30), this ignores the science from Islam, and those civilizations before the beginning of Christianity such as the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Chinese, and the Indians from which Christianity borrowed. Also, the claim cannot be falsified because a controlled experiment is impossible.

In western civilization, all scientists in the early stages of science were male and white. Based on this flawed thinking, being male and/or white could also be its cause. Finally, since Christianity controlled every form of education during the early years of science in Europe, how could scientists NOT be Christian?

(NOTE: ALL religious people stop at Level 2 of Moral Development, according to Lawrence Kohlberg: "Behavior driven by obeying authority and conforming to social order." (link)

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***If you disagree with this post, how do you justify or verify that your beliefs are true? What is your view regarding the value of evidence?***
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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Help For The Secular

As any secular person knows, the religious claim that we have no meaning in life and, therefore, nothing for which to live. They point not only to the dogma they have but the communities around such that offer support and encouragement.

First of all, secular people have no problem creating their own meaning in life. Second, there are several secular organizations that provide the same community support, emotional support, and charitable activities as the religious have. Below are examples of such support for the secular:

Sunday, June 24, 2018

AGAIN, One Does NOT Have To Be Religious To Be Good

The following classical blog post by Atheist Revolution of over 10 years ago made some important points that most theists are not aware of even today. Thus, the need to re-post it.

Secular Humanism Involves Compassion Too


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Is There Objective Morality?

Atheists and other secular people are accused of not having objective morality because they reject the God who promulgates morality.  Many responses to this challenge have been less than satisfactory to both theists and non-theists.  This article does a good job is delving into the subject.

  • "Broadly speaking, morality appears to serve these related purposes: it creates stability, provides security, ameliorates harmful conditions, fosters trust, and facilitates cooperation in achieving shared and complementary goals. In other words, morality enables us to live together and, while doing so, to improve the conditions under which we live."
(Brett Milam)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Rich USA History Of Separation of Government And Religion

Peruse through this extensive collection of statements from many of the USA's historical luminaries who have seen the benefits of separation of government and religion.

Friday, September 2, 2016

If You Don't Vote, None Of This Matters

"The secularizing trend seems unstoppable. It gradually bolsters progressive values of the Democratic Party. White evangelicals remain the heart of the GOP - but they're losing ground as "nones" slowly outnumber them."

Religion decline helps the Democratic Party

Read more here:

Monday, May 30, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Secularism and the City

"For too many centuries, the pious and sanctimonious have touted religious faith and involvement as some sort of social panacea. They aren’t. In those American cities today where few people go to church and millions have rejected religion, things are just fine. More than fine."

The most secular cities in America are among the best, while the most religious cities are among the worst. 

(NOTE  This applies to every level of society: nations, states within nations, et al)


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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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