Sunday, February 16, 2020

It's A Public Health Issue

While, on the surface, statistics for the results of homeschooling vs. public schools seem favorable to homeschooling (link), objectively looking at the social, economical, and demographic differences between the two seems to explain most of the results (link), (link).

"States need to recognize the importance of oversight, as unsupervised homeschooling is still prevalent in most states, which allows fundamentalist parents to raise generations of children who are mathematically, scientifically, and socially illiterate in an environment undoubtedly dangerous to their wellbeing."

With the growing influence of Evangelical and conservative Catholic Christians in society (While they are a minority, they are politically punching above their weight), the Homeschooling movement continues to grow like a brain disease (which indoctrination is).
Christian Homeschooling Still Failing Kids

Frankly, I would like to see a school requirement, NO MATTER THE SETTING, of education in critical thinking (i.e. science-based thinking/skepticism).

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