Monday, March 16, 2020

Christian Nationalism

"Christian nationalism is Christianity-affiliated religious nationalism. Christian nationalists primarily focus on internal politics, such as passing laws that reflect their view of Christianity and its role in political and social life. In countries with a state Church, Christian nationalists, in seeking to preserve the status of a Christian state, uphold an antidisestablishmentarian position.[1][2][3] They actively promote religious (Christian) and nationalistic discourses in various fields of social life, from politics and history, to culture and science. In Europe and the United States, Christian nationalism ranges from conservative to far right-wing."

One of the major reasons why the USA has Donald J Trump as its POTUS is the activity of a virulent subset of Christianity called "Christian Nationalism." Below are links to a few articles pertaining to this radical movement that is extremely dangerous to the democratic ideals and Constitution of the USA:

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