Human knowledge has progressed exponentially since the dawn of modern science. It is no longer reasonable to accept claims without sufficient objective evidence. The harm from religion, alternatives to medicine, conservatism, and all other false beliefs will be exposed on this blog by reporting the findings of science. This blog will also reinforce what should be the basics of education: History, Civics, Financial Literacy, Media Literacy, and Critical/Science Based Thinking.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
J D Vance: The Full Monty
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Religious Nationalism: A Pandemic Within The USA Going Unnoticed
"Be sure to check out the recent film God and Country which is based on her 2020 book, The Power Worshippers!"
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
An Evangelical Pastor Helps In Getting Democratic Party Votes
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Christian Nationalists: A Wide Demographic
Friday, February 23, 2024
A History Of US Christian Nationalism
"The framers of the Constitution quite deliberately excluded religion from the U.S. Constitution. - - - "
"In order to make sure men had the right of conscience, the framers added the First Amendment to the Constitution. It read: 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….' "
"In the early years of the nation, Americans zealously guarded the wall between the two. They strictly limited the power of the federal government to reflect religion, refusing even to permit the government to stop delivery of the U.S. mails on Sunday out of concern that Jews and Christians did not share the same Sabbath, and the government could not choose one over the other. The Constitution, a congressional report noted, gave Congress no authority 'to inquire and determine what part of time, or whether any has been set apart by the Almighty for religious exercises.'"
"But the Civil War marked a change. As early as the 1830s, southern white enslavers relied on religious justification for their hierarchical system that rested on white supremacy. God, they argued, had made Black Americans for enslavement and women for marriage, and society must recognize those facts."
"The Confederacy rejected the idea of popular government, maintaining instead that a few Americans should make the rules for the majority. - - - "
"Confederates not only invoked 'the favor and guidance of Almighty God' in their Constitution, they established as their motto 'Deo vindice,' or 'God will vindicate.'"
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Christian Nationalism: The Death Of The USA?
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Ponder the courage of the Founding Fathers when they fought against religious factions that wanted another Christian theocracy based on THEIR brand of such. |
Thursday, October 26, 2023
The Coup Is Complete
Last night, the Republican Party was finally totally hijacked by the Trump/Christian Nationalist wing. Against the hope that the majority of Republicans would prevail over the radical minority in the vote for House Speaker, they UNANAMIOUSLY chose the worst of the worst of them, Mike Johnson.
In light of the above, the rest of the USA will be watching with much fear and trepidation for the Republican Party's attempt to fully control all branches and levels of government:
- "Red Caesar and Project 2025: A fascist fever dream being given a vaguely respectable coat of paint by the Claremont Institute and the Heritage Foundation paving the way for an unconstrained, lawless, authoritarian Republican president."
Sunday, December 25, 2022
The Elements Behind Theocratic Dictatorships
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Nationalism Is A Bastardization Of Patriotism
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Is THIS At The Root Of The Evil?
It is no secret that the Republican party has gone full bore into nationalism, unsupported Christian dogma, attacking non-binary sexuality, misogyny, racism, libertarianism, autocracy, anti-education, anti-US Constitution, and general magical thinking over science-based thinking. Is there one ideology at the base of it all? Click on the link below for a short podcast presenting a provocative point of view on the matter:
Monday, March 16, 2020
Christian Nationalism
One of the major reasons why the USA has Donald J Trump as its POTUS is the activity of a virulent subset of Christianity called "Christian Nationalism." Below are links to a few articles pertaining to this radical movement that is extremely dangerous to the democratic ideals and Constitution of the USA: