Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Does Consciousness Defeat Materialism?

One of my frequent YouTube video channels is "Closer to Truth" with Robert Lawrence Kuhn. It is from PBS television broadcasts. It "features leading philosophers and scientists exploring humanity’s deepest questions." While it is beautifully and professionally done, the problem I have is that Kuhn, a PhD brain scientist, is searching for the truth in the wrong places: philosophy and religion. The latest episode is entitled, "Does consciousness defeat materialism?" and is emblematic of his wanting to believe in a God. It is worth 26 minutes of your time.

This is my comment on it. There usually are some interesting comments to my comments if I comment:

  • "Science addresses testable claims and has a structured verification/justification process to minimize errors. Up to this point, science points to the high probability of mind/consciousness being a product of the material brain. Unfortunately, all the claims from philosophers, noetic scientists, intelligent design proponents, and others interested in finding non-material causes for consciousness have failed to present evidence for such. If they claim that science is not the correct tool for addressing the claim, what is, and how would you justify it? Until humanity comes up with a way to evaluate, accept, and verify the non-material claim, we are left with the probability found by science mentioned above. Anything else is an argument from ignorance."

Below is a link to the video:

"Does anything exist beyond the physical world? If yes, could consciousness undermine materialism? If no, could consciousness confirm materialism? It’s the big test."

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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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