Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Yes, Another Political Post

To my loyal readers:

In recent months, I have drifted on this blog somewhat from addressing the main reason for such: anti-science. In the USA, we are in an existential crisis, thus, I must keep on top of what is happening politically and relate it to history and pseudoscience. After all, the word "science" is simply from the Latin for "knowledge." 

Below is a viable plan from the Democratic Party as a first step in attacking the evil and harm from the present Republican Party. The Democrats must attempt to bring the reasonable Republicans into its fold, as such have been shunned by the majority MAGA wing of the party. I do not agree with those talking about a 3rd Party alternative to the Republican Party, as it will further fracture the USA.

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Written by Chris Murphy Senator from CT.
Please share as widely as possible.
“Last night in the Senate, something really important happened. Republicans forced us to debate their billionaire bailout budget framework. We started voting at 6 PM because they knew doing it in the dark of night would minimize media coverage. And they do not want the American people to see how blatant their handover of our government to the billionaire class is.
So I want to explain what happened last night and what we did to fight back.
The apex of Republicans’ plan to turn over our government to their wealthy cronies is a giant tax cut for billionaires and corporations. And they plan to pay for it with cuts to programs that working people rely on. Popular and necessary programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and SNAP, are all being targeted.
In order to pass the tax cut, Republicans have to go through a series of procedural steps. Last night, they took the first step which requires them to pass an outline of their plan, but with it, any senator can offer as many amendments as we want. So my Democratic colleagues and I did just that.
Now, we knew that Republicans would largely unanimously oppose them, but we had two objectives here. One, Republicans were forced to put their opinion on record — many for the first time — on the most corrupt parts of Trump and Musk’s agenda. Two, as I’ve been saying, I am going to make every process and procedure as slow and painful as possible for as long as my colleagues choose to ignore the constitutional crisis happening before our eyes.
So what did we propose? We proposed no tax cuts for anyone who makes a billion dollars a year. We made them vote on whether or not Elon Musk and DOGE should have limitless access to Americans’ personal data. We made them vote on whether to protect IVF and require insurers to cover it.
Every single amendment Democrats proposed was shot down. On almost every single amendment, Republicans universally opposed it. Every Republican voted against our proposal to prevent more tax cuts for billionaires.
The corruption and theft is happening in the open here. The whole game for Republicans is taking your money and giving it to the wealthiest corporations and billionaires — even if it means kicking your parents out of a nursing home or turning off Medicaid for the poorest children.
They know what they are doing is deeply unpopular. They are offering a tax cut to the most wealthy that is 850 times larger than what they are offering working people. Oh and by the way, any tax cuts for working people are going to be washed out by higher costs for basic necessities, like health care and food. It’s a fundamental injustice.
Thanks to your pressure and support, many of my Democratic colleagues have joined my effort to do everything we can to make sure they cannot destroy democracy and steal your money in the dark of the night. We are being loud about what is happening. I’m going to continue to grind the gears of Congress down as much as possible to make it that much harder and slower to get away with this corruption. That’s why the votes lasted until nearly 5 AM.
This is a five-alarm fire. I don’t think we have two years to plan and fight back. I think we have months. It’s still in our power to stop the destruction of our democracy with mass mobilization and effective opposition from elected officials.
So we can’t miss any opportunity to take advantage of opportunities to put Republicans on the record and shine a light on what is happening.
And you have a role to play in this as well. I need you to amplify what’s happening, support the leaders who are fighting for you to make sure they can continue speaking truth to power against Musk and Trump’s billionaire cronies, and show up at rallies and town halls. Use every tool at your disposal to send a message loud and clear about how you expect my colleagues to lead and fight in this moment.”
Every best wish,
Chris Murphy

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The New World Order

The USA responded late to non-democratic nations' imperialism in the early 20th century. It made World War I worse.

The USA responded late to non-democratic nations' imperialism in the 1930s. It made World War II worse.

Presently, the USA under President Donald J. Trump is following the same isolationism as above. What can go wrong? Oh, and I am not even addressing the fascist dictatorship that is taking over OUR constitutional representative secular democracy.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Fascism 101

"Beginning in 1943, the War Department published a series of pamphlets for U.S. Army personnel in the European theater of World War II. Titled Army Talks, the series was designed 'to help [the personnel] become better-informed men and women and therefore better soldiers.'

"On March 24, 1945, the topic for the week was 'FASCISM!'”

Click on this link, from my favorite historian specializing in the USA, to learn how the military educated the troops in Europe about what they were fighting during World War II. This is EXACTLY what is needed now to inform the entire electorate that the USA is in imminent danger of fascism again, this time WITHIN THE USA in the form of Donald Trump and the Republican Party!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Podcast Series Tracing Fascism In The USA

"Rachel Maddow is an American television news program host and liberal political commentator.[1][2][3][4] Maddow hosts The Rachel Maddow Show, a weekly television show on MSNBC, and serves as the cable network's special event co-anchor.[5] Her syndicated talk radio program of the same name aired on Air America Radio from 2005 to 2010.

"Maddow has received multiple Emmy Awards for her broadcasting work and in 2021 received a Grammy Award for the audiobook version of Blowout (2019).

"Maddow holds a bachelor's degree in public policy from Stanford University and a doctorate in political science from the University of Oxford and is the first openly lesbian anchor to host a major prime-time news program in the United States.[6][7][8]" (Wikipedia)

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I have been listening to her podcast series entitled "Ultra", which is in its second season. If you want to get into the weeds of American history regarding fascism and, until now, how it has been repelled, this series is for you.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A Concise 100 Years-Plus History Of US Fascism Leading To Trump

"In a live conversation recorded at the Provincetown, MA Town Hall on May 26, Rachel and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and screenwriter Tony Kushner discuss “Ultra,” her book “Prequel,” and the rise of fascism both throughout history and in our current political moment."

Rachel Maddow presents a detailed history of fascism in the USA through her podcast series, "Ultra." Click on the link below for a brief summary of the issue affecting our democracy:

The rise of fascism both throughout history and in our current political moment

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Definitions All Voters Need To Know

ANTI-SCIENCE: a set or system of attitudes and beliefs that are opposed to or reject science and scientific methods and principles (link)

AUTOCRACY: government in which one person possesses unlimited power (link)

CORRUPT: to change from good to bad in morals, manners, or actions (link)

CULT: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (link)

EVIL: morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant (link)

FASCISM: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government (link)

GASLIGHTING: manipulating someone into believing things that are not true (link)

LYING: deliberately untruthful; deceitful; false (link)

GULLIBLE: easily deceived or cheated (link)

RACIST: someone who believes that their race makes them better, more intelligent, more moral, etc. than people of other races and who does or says unfair or harmful things as a result (link)

SYCOPHANT: a person who tries to win favor from wealthy or influential people by flattering them; also known as brown-nosers, teacher's pets, or suck-ups (link)

THEOCRACY: government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided (link)
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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Why Nations Turn To Fascism

"Neoliberalism has created a lot of economic suffering and insecurity in addition to weakened social ties over the past few decades. And now, in what may be the most devastating result of the ideology yet, neoliberalism may be leading much of the world toward fascism bolstered by legitimate grievances about economic precarity which are coopted by the false promises of right-wing populism."

Click on the link below for the details:

Friday, November 24, 2023

Chris Hayes & Rachel Maddow Tell It As It Was, And Still Is


"We just wrapped up our fall 2023 national tour. We’ve so enjoyed taking WITHpod on the road and it’s been so good to hear feedback from so many of you. We couldn’t think of a better person to have for our tour culmination than the one and only Rachel Maddow. It was a fascinating conversation all about what we can do to save American democracy, how we got to this particular political moment and her amazing New York Times bestselling book, “Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism.” We’re thrilled to share the full recording of the event with you."

Click on the link below for 90 minutes of American history and current events that everyone needs to know:

WITHpod Live with Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The Wisdom Of George Takei

Below you will find some pithy comments from George Takei in response to questions during an interview with Robert Reich:
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" - - - America doesn’t like to look backward and learn from our history. Of all modern nations, we are the least aware of what we’ve done in the past. That includes the sins of slavery and genocide. America likes to look forward. This hobbles our capacity to build on past successes and absorb the lessons of past failures and tragedies."
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" - - - the biggest challenges we face – preserving American democracy, fighting climate change, preventing nuclear annihilation, reducing inequality, and ending systemic racism – are opportunities for Gen Z to save America and the world. Rather than feel this as a huge burden, GenZ’s might see this as their calling. They may become the greatest generation."
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" - - - I spend a lot of time talking to people who describe themselves as Republicans, even Trump supporters. When I get under the superficial bumper-sticker responses, I discover a remarkable consensus that overlaps with progressives.

"Most of these people believe big corporations are too big. Monopolies have to be busted up. Corporate welfare must end. Corporate corruption of our democracy must stop. No one who works full time should be in poverty – unable to afford food, clothing, or housing for themselves or their families. The minimum wage should be a living wage. Every family deserves affordable health insurance and paid sick leave. College education should be affordable. Billionaires must pay their fair share of taxes. The climate crisis is real, and it’s caused by humans."
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" If we don’t push hard for the changes most Americans believe are important – changes that are necessary if our lives ten years from now and beyond are to be livable – we invite fascism. That is the essential choice before us. A democracy that works for everyone's well-being -- or fascism."

Friday, November 4, 2022

Hitler Used The USA As An Example

"This week on Now & Then, Heather and Joanne discuss the roots, definitions, and echoes of fascism, from the proto-fascism of Southern enslavement, to the fascist playbooks established by Mussolini and Hitler, to the current risks for the normalization of fascist ideology and tropes in the United States."

Click on the link below for a humbling podcast revealing how Hitler actually pointed to the abuse of indigenous peoples, blacks, and other minorities by the USA in formulating Nazi dogma, and how the present Republican Party is reverting back to a similarly dangerous view of consolidating power against "the other:"

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

What Happens When Ignorance Is Normalized

"As the world struggles with war, inflation, and climate change, political leadership is needed now more than ever. Humorist Andy Borowitz believes good leadership is increasingly hard to find these days. His new book, “Profiles in Ignorance: How America’s Politicians Got Dumber and Dumber,” looks at America’s embrace of anti-intellectualism. He joins Walter Isaacson to talk about this trend's danger to our democracy."

Click on the link below for a video of an interview with one of the best satirists in the media today:

Andy Borowitz: How American Politicians Got Dumb and Dumber

"How the Republican Party went crazy with far-right fanaticism & fascism. Trump didn’t start the fascist slide either – it’s been there since the 50s. Think back to Joe McCarthy and every Republican presidency since."

Click on the link below for another video, this one is an interview with David Corn:

Monday, May 30, 2022

Economic Distress Can Lead To Fascism

"Today we take a look at the disruptions to society that can unfold in times of economic distress such as high inflation, price gouging, wage stagnation, and income inequality as well as some policy ideas for turning things around."

Click on the link below for an in-depth look at the dangers awaiting all democratic societies if authoritarianism isn't destroyed:

Mismanaging Capitalism Can Lead to Fascism


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
Click on image


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