Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Justice System Is Bias Toward The Wealthy & Powerful

"Today, as the news of Trump's various trials continues to drop out, we take a look back at this episode covering the long and illustrious history of powerful people avoiding prosecution in the United States."

Click on the link below for a podcast from over a year ago that is the Full Monty regarding this injustice:

Avoiding Accountability: How the powerful in the US have almost always been allowed to skate by

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

How The Powerful Get Away With It

"Elie Honig is a former federal and state prosecutor. He’s currently a CNN senior legal analyst and a contributor and host of Up Against The Mob at CAFE. He joins Preet to discuss his new book “Untouchable: How Powerful People Get Away with It.” It documents the similarities between top mafia bosses and Donald Trump, how intimidation is used in and out of the courtroom, how prosecutors choose which cases to pursue, and more."

Click on the link below for an in-depth podcast on the corruption within the justice system in the USA:

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Conservatives And Activist Judges

"Today, we take a look at the decades-long scheme to funnel conservative activist judges into the judiciary to support Republican policy goals and the resulting legal bulwark defending Trump against prosecution and supporting his future election efforts."

Click on the link below for a podcast that follows the history of the legal system mess we have now in the USA:

The System of Activist Judges Defending Trump

Saturday, September 3, 2022

The History Of No Legal Accountability In The USA

"Today, as we wait to see if Trump will ever be indicted for any of his many, many, many crimes, we take a look at the long and illustrious history of powerful people avoiding prosecution in the United States."

Click on the link below for a depressing look at criminality run-amok in the USA historically. The moral: lack of punishment rewards bad behavior:

Avoiding Accountability

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Another Need For Justice Reform

"The rule of felony murder is a legal doctrine in some common law jurisdictions that broadens the crime of murder: when an offender kills (regardless of intent to kill) in the commission of a dangerous or enumerated crime (called a felony in some jurisdictions), the offender, and also the offender's accomplices or co-conspirators, may be found guilty of murder." (Wikipedia) 

Click on the link below for a deep analysis of this injustice:

Is There Justice in Felony Murder?

Sunday, July 25, 2021

History Of Hate Crime Legislation

"Hate crimes in the United States have reached their highest levels in more than a decade, prompting bipartisan support for legislation to combat them and increased resources for law enforcement. But the recent COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act has spurred resistance from an unexpected source: activist groups that represent the people these laws are meant to protect.

"This week on The Experiment, our correspondent, Tracie Hunte, investigates the 150-year history of legislating against racist violence in the U.S. and asks: Have we been policing hate all wrong?"

Click on the link below for an enlightening podcast on the subject:

Sunday, December 20, 2020

A Look At Justice

Justice is the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.

Retributive Justicea system of criminal justice based on the punishment of offenders rather than on rehabilitation, has been the standard of justice for the vast majority of human history. While it has been a bedrock of most religions and governments, ancient and modern governments have attempted to institute some basic forms of restorative justice with minimal success (link).

Restorative Justice 
aims to get offenders to take responsibility for their actions, to understand the harm they have caused, to give them an opportunity to redeem themselves, and to discourage them from causing further harm. The better and more recent research is supportive of this concept. However, while it seems necessary, it is not sufficient. Efforts to correct societal inequality are needed to decrease harm (link).

A final thought: the culpability of the perpetrator has to be placed in the context of the findings of science that show that our concept of Free Will is probably an illusion (link).

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Moral Responsibility And Free Will

"Does morality require free will? Philosophers and brain scientists argue that our ‘will’ is less ‘free’ than we think. How do arguments about free will impact morality and civil society, including the judicial system and legal defenses?"

If there ever was a topic that is more important, but more difficult on which to agree in a free society, I haven't seen it. Justice, retribution, safety, and freedom are all intertwined in the question.

Click on this link for an in-depth analysis of the topic.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Justice And Poverty: Moral Issues

Most people have fairly firm opinions on the topics of justice and poverty. The two links below delve into them and reveal the diversity of how we think and act about both of them. Since there is so much disagreement in society regarding them, is there a way to address them as a society? As Matt Dillahunty has said, * morality is subjective but once there is some agreement, HOW to address it uses objective evidence.

What is Justice?

Poverty & Our Response to It

* Morality comes from evolution and socialization, no God is necessary.


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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