Showing posts with label Poverty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poverty. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Southern States In The USA: Why They Are A Problem

Click on the link below for an 11-minute video to better understand why residents of the southern USA are so different than the rest of the country:

Why The US South Is Insanely Poor

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Even In The Best Of Times, The Poor Have Always Been Neglected

"A Golden Age is a period of 'peace, prosperity, and happiness.' Early Greek and Roman poets used the phrase to describe how people lived in an almost idealized time and place. It is a point in history where art, science, and philosophy thrive, and where economic growth is unparalleled. But not everyone gets to enjoy that prosperity..."

Throughout known history, humanity has always ignored the needs of the poor. Memo to MAGA: the USA has never been great. Click on the link below for a history lesson on this fact:

What It Was Like To Be Poor Throughout History

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Poverty: It's A Policy Choice In The USA

"Poverty is a policy choice. Congress has chosen to have a significant percentage of our population impoverished, including — especially — our nation’s children.

"There is no law of nature or principle of economics or constitutional provision that dictates such a high number of people in poverty within the richest nation in the history of the world.

"Census data released Tuesday provides clear evidence of the choice that’s been made. The number of people with incomes below the poverty line in 2022 rose by 15.3 million. The poverty rate for children more than doubled — from a historic low of 5.2 percent in 2021 to 12.4 percent in 2022.

"The United States has just experienced the largest spike in child poverty since the current models for measuring economic distress were developed in 2009. All of the record gains made against child poverty over the previous two years have been erased.

"The reason for this extraordinary rise in poverty? Not the pandemic. Not a vicious recession. Not an economic depression. Not a huge increase in the numbers of people unemployed. In fact, employment is high.

"The reason, according to the Census Bureau, is the refusal by Congress to renew the enhanced child tax credit that was developed during the Covid-19 pandemic. That expiration was a policy choice." 


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"Matthew Desmond is a professor of sociology at Princeton University, where he specializes in the study of poverty. His 2016 book Evicted won the Pulitzer Prize for its incisive examination of poverty and housing policy in America. He joins Preet to discuss his new book, 'Poverty, by America', and the many ways poverty is entrenched in one of the world’s wealthiest nations."

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Poverty: Why The USA Has So Much Of It

"The United States -- the richest country in the world -- has a higher rate of poverty than any other advanced democracy. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Matthew Desmond examines the dire situation in his new book, and he joins Michel Martin to explain why the problem persists. Their conversation is part of Chasing the Dream, our going initiative about poverty, jobs, and economic opportunity in America."

Click on the link below for an interview that should humble the majority in the USA:

The Privileged are Complicit in America’s Poverty Crisis

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Pro-Life Folks Ignore It After Birth

"It was heralded as a game-changer for America's social safety net. It dramatically reduced child poverty. But, last month, the enhanced Child Tax Credit — a kind of "Social Security for kids" — expired, and millions of American children sank back into poverty."

A society's morality is based on how it treats the least among it. Children should be placed at the front of the line. Click on the link below for an expose of how bad the USA has become:

Friday, May 22, 2020

Poverty: Why Will It Not Go Away?

"As the President & CEO of a non-profit, Teva Sienicki has experienced first-hand the devastating, cyclical nature of intergenerational poverty. In this inspiring talk, she argues that in order to end poverty once and for all, we need to treat the root causes of the problem, not just the symptoms.

"Teva is passionate about building equity and closing the achievement gap for low-income kids. She transformed Growing Home, which began as a small shelter, into an anti-poverty organization that serves over 4,600 families annually. Winner of the Livingston Fellowship, her approach emphasizes innovation, analysis, and teamwork."

Can this be a prototype to attenuate poverty throughout the USA? Click on the link below for the video:

We can end poverty, but this is why we haven't

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Population Growth: Religion Or Poverty?

There is evidence that more religious societies reproduce more (link). However, is it religion, per se, that is CAUSING it? Click on the link below to get a more science-based opinion on the matter:

Religions and Babies

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Justice And Poverty: Moral Issues

Most people have fairly firm opinions on the topics of justice and poverty. The two links below delve into them and reveal the diversity of how we think and act about both of them. Since there is so much disagreement in society regarding them, is there a way to address them as a society? As Matt Dillahunty has said, * morality is subjective but once there is some agreement, HOW to address it uses objective evidence.

What is Justice?

Poverty & Our Response to It

* Morality comes from evolution and socialization, no God is necessary.


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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