Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2025

Can We Defeat Terrorism?

"Can we truly defeat terrorism or does the ideology always endure? Philip Mudd, a former CIA and FBI official, has spent his career working on counterterrorism efforts. He talks about the public perception of terrorism and the oversimplification of motives by the media, the distinction between eliminating a terror group’s leadership and combating its ideology, and extremism in the US military. Plus, how experts like him analyze attacks in real-time."

Click on the link below for a podcast presenting the details:

Friday, September 16, 2016

Atheism Is The Answer To Religious Extremism

"Atheism, Ali points out, is a logical step that comes after Enlightenment values like rationalism and tolerance, and the liberties of a free, open and secular society are in place."

How to Fight Extremism with Atheism 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Sensible Approach To Handling Terrorists

"My scheme, then is this: first try the accused to see if he/she did the crime. If the person is convicted, then tailor the punishment to the criminal and the crime, taking into account deterrence, sequestration, and reformation—but not retribution. The punishment, or treatment, should be determined by experts rather than judges or juries, though the experts don’t have to settle on a formal diagnosis. Norway conforms to this approach much more closely than the U.S., which may be why Norway’s prison recidivism rate is just 20% over five years, compared to 77% percent in the U.S."

Mass murderers: mental illness or extreme ideology?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How To Dramatically Reduce Terrorism

The USA is in a seemingly never-ending series of mass shootings from individuals who, upon investigation after the fact, clearly showed those around them warning signs.  Yes, better gun laws and enforcement of such is important.  Yes, official surveillance needs to improve.  However, the single most effective tool to reduce terrorism is vigilance by everyone and the reporting of suspicious activity to law enforcement because "somebody always sees something."

In Charlotte terrorism case, unlike Orlando, somebody picked up the phone

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Terrorism, Statistics And Fear

" - - - although the probability of an attack may be low, it may get higher. If you think of car accidents or the background rate of murder in the U.S. as a chronic disease, you can think of terrorism as the Ebola virus. Yes, the chances such a virus will infect any of us in the U.S. are small, but if it gets established, things could get very bad. When someone with Ebola manages to get to the U.S., we don’t dismiss it by saying, “Look, a lot more people die of cancer!” The alarms go off and stringent health measures are taken."


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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