Monday, July 27, 2020

The Bible Story Is All They Have

"Christians love telling each other about how really reliable secular historians like Josephus and Tacitus wrote about Jesus. The implication is that these references serve as some kind of proof not only for Jesus' existence but for his resurrection, miracles, and godhood. But what do they actually say? What if anything do they prove? In this video, I take a look at an article that typifies how Christians approach ancient non-Biblical references to Jesus - along with looking at what these sources state, when they were written, and if they add up to good evidence for Jesus.
"SPOILER ALERT: They don't."

Click on the link below for a continuation of the revelation (pun intended) of how vapid Christian apologetics is. Sadly, these facts will not penetrate the delusion and dogma of those who are dependent on false claims for their living.

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Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
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