"The prisoner's dilemma models many real-world situations involving strategic behavior. In casual usage, the label "prisoner's dilemma" may be applied to any situation in which two entities could gain important benefits from cooperating or suffer from failing to do so, but find it difficult or expensive to coordinate their activities." (Wikipedia)
Human knowledge has progressed exponentially since the dawn of modern science. It is no longer reasonable to accept claims without sufficient objective evidence. The harm from religion, alternatives to medicine, conservatism, and all other false beliefs will be exposed on this blog by reporting the findings of science. This blog will also reinforce what should be the basics of education: History, Civics, Financial Literacy, Media Literacy, and Critical/Science Based Thinking.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
The Prisoner's Dilemma: How Cooperation With Protecting One's Interest Is The Key To Survival
"The prisoner's dilemma models many real-world situations involving strategic behavior. In casual usage, the label "prisoner's dilemma" may be applied to any situation in which two entities could gain important benefits from cooperating or suffer from failing to do so, but find it difficult or expensive to coordinate their activities." (Wikipedia)
Friday, October 27, 2023
No, Religion Does NOT Make Society Better
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Republican America Is Worse Than Democrat America
Republicans like to lie about the difference between rural Republican areas of the US as compared to the more urban Democratic areas.
Click on the link below that presents the FACTS that are readily available. Note how they are comparing per capita statistics and not the gross numbers that distort the truth because of the generally less populated areas:
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Parental Rights And Responsibilities
- Health: circumcision? vaccinations? birth-control? hormone replacement therapy? gender reassignment surgery? abortion? alternatives to medicine?
- Education: religious indoctrination? secular morality? evolution, and other sciences? history (of racism, inequality, colonialism, genocide, wars, greed, authoritarianism, individualism, communism, socialism, democracy, republicanism, tribalism, capitalism)?
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Most Atheist Countries 2022
Friday, October 8, 2021
The Elephant In The Room
![]() |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_in_the_room |
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Correlation Is Not Causation, But - - -
Friday, November 27, 2020
No, Religious Societies Are NOT Better
There is a trove of data rejecting the claim that religious societies are better. Click on the links below for the truth:
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"Do societies fall apart when they become more secular? Clearly not.""Are secular countries worse off than religious ones? Is atheism the downfall of nations? Are countries cursed by god when they stray from the faith? Or do non-religious outperform religious countries on measures of wealth, well-being and success? Today, we'll dive into the data to see if atheism is, in fact, the downfall of nations or if the blessing of God/curse of secularism is a myth."
"Are Christian countries better off than secular countries? Does God bless Christian nations and curse atheist countries? Or are the secular countries better off when we measure wealth, prosperity, happiness, and well-being?"
Friday, August 21, 2020
What Kind Of Society Do YOU Want To Live In?
"Are secular countries worse off than religious ones? Is atheism the downfall of nations? Are countries cursed by god when they stray from the faith? Or do non-religious outperform religious countries on measures of wealth, well-being, and success? Today, we'll dive into the data to see if atheism is, in fact, the downfall of nations or if the blessing of God/curse of secularism is a myth."
"Are Christian countries better off than secular countries? Does God bless Christian nations and curse atheist countries? Or are the secular countries better off when we measure wealth, prosperity, happiness, and well-being?"
"Does following Islam lead to prosperity and blessing and does apostasy lead to divine curse and nation-wide ruin? Today we'll explore the data and see if Muslim countries are more successful, happy, and prosperous than secular countries to see if Allah blesses nations that follow him or if secular countries are better off."
Friday, January 19, 2018
It's Not The Religion, It Is the Socialization
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Is Shedding Of So-Called "Family Values" Harmful?
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Are The Religious More Moral And Happy?
Monday, February 22, 2016
The Psychological Need For Certainty
Note that atheists AND the religious with firmly held beliefs are the happiest. To clarify, I, and most atheists I know, realize that absolute certainty is elusive. We are just certain that it is most probable that there is no interventionist god.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Morality: What Is It And How Do We Agree About It?
Morality is subjective, even if one accepts the unsupported claim that it comes from a god (Hello, God is a person, right? A person is subjective). Most humans have an embedded sense of right and wrong, good and bad. I think most sane humans can agree that morality is the highest level of well-being for the most numbers of feeling beings. From there, humans acting in organizations can use the tools of science to determine what objective actions maximize well-being. Simple.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
The Religious Cannot Put Lipstick On This Relationship