Showing posts with label Alternatives to Medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alternatives to Medicine. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

No, Forget Treatment To Restore Tooth Enamel

"The commercial keeps airing on TV with annoying frequency. She’s a dentist, she wears a white coat, and viewers are expected to assume she is offering good advice. I find her voice irritating, but that would be beside the point if her information were accurate. It isn’t. She is providing inaccurate information invented by marketers to sell a supposed remedy."

Click on the link below for a debunking of this TV commercial:

Monday, December 27, 2021

Radon Therapy

"In what seems like a throwback to the days when quack medical products included radium, causing people's jaws to fall off from cancer, some people are once again turning to a carcinogenic radioactive element for their health. This time it's not radium but radon, an alpha particle emitter, and second only to smoking as a cause of deaths from lung cancer. The benefit, they say, is pain relief, or treatment of high blood pressure, or — in the ultimate irony — treating cancer. It is not an approved therapy in the United States (though it is in some other countries), so the playing field is wide open for anyone who wants to sell it, and anyone who wants to try using it." (link)

Sunday, October 10, 2021

A Dialogue Over Stem Cell Therapy

I recently visited a local stem cell therapy practice to ask some questions. I then sent them an email summarizing the information that was presented to me and ask more questions. Below is the email exchange in response to such. It is a look into alternatives to medicine and the thinking of its proponents.

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HER: Thank you, Tom, for reaching out. Our services are certainly not FDA approved and I apologize if someone at our office gave you that impression. The kits that are used to harvest the stem cells are FDA cleared to harvest and process the cells. However, there is no FDA approval on treating joint pain with stem cells. Did someone at our office tell you differently? We also don’t have any record of you coming in today or even calling the clinic. I just want to verify that you were told by us at (redacted) and not somewhere else.

ME: I walked in a few days ago and the person specifically told me that the treatment was FDA approved and has been for 5 years. She was clear that it was for treatment and not for research.

HER: I apologize that happened Tom. No one in our office should’ve ever told you that. I will make sure I say something to the team today. Again there must’ve been some confusion on her end in terms of FDA approval for treatment or the harvesting process. I would be happy to give you a lay of the land on the FDA stance and all this if you want to give me a call personally on my cell phone at (redacted). We’ve been doing this for almost 6 years and I can give you a really in-depth breakdown of how the FDA feels about all the stuff. I look forward to hearing from you And again I apologize for any confusion.

ME: Thanks (redacted). I was just curious about how you folks can practice without FDA approval.

HER: I would be happy to explain if you want to give me a call.

ME: "Please know that if you are being charged for these products or offered these products outside of a clinical trial, you are likely being deceived and offered a product illegally. Likewise, FDA is aware that patients and consumers are being referred to, or are told that a product is registered with FDA, as a way to suggest that the products being offered are in compliance with FDA laws and regulations. This is often false. The inclusion of a product in the database or the fact that a firm has registered with FDA and listed its product does not mean the product is legally marketed."

If you have information contradicting the FDA, I would be interested in being enlightened. Otherwise, I am not interested, I think I understand the situation.

HER: I appreciate your passion for the subject. This June 2021 ruling has been in the making for 3 1/2 years. What it essentially did was shut down all of the "off the shelf" products as those were the ones making false claims and treating for systemic issues. As far as stem cells from your own body, OrthoCarolina, for example, does bone marrow aspirate injections for OA, despite not having FDA approval, so this is nothing our clinic or other stem cell clinics are just doing roughly on our own. If you are interested in further reading, check out the FDA distinction between a 361 vs a 351 in terms of cellular products. Autologous stem cells are considered a 361 and not a drug and a 351 has to be registered as a drug. There are many holistic and alternative procedures in medicine that are being used on people every day that are not FDA approved. I would agree with the FDA in that many of these are making false claims because they are not regulated by any agency, but there are also some really good products out there helping people.

ME: I assume from your response that the materials you folks are using are in the 361 category. Thus, they have not been tested for safety and effectiveness. Are you clearly telling your patients such?

Your sentence (" There are many holistic and alternative procedures in medicine that are being used on people every day that are not FDA approved. I would agree with the FDA in that many of these are making false claims because they are not regulated by any agency, but there are also some really good products out there helping people.") is troubling. 

The use of "holistic" and "alternative" suggests quackery. How do you know that your procedures are safe and effective without research testing? All of what you are doing could just as well be a placebo (and an expensive one at that).

HER: There are all kinds of scientific research out there, studies, white papers, clinical research, etc on the effectiveness of stem cells treating OA. Please feel free to do a google search and you will see how much it is out there. We believe the science is there to support the treatments we offer. And like anything, FDA approved or not, you will see plenty of negative to go along with the positive :) Stem cell therapy has been studied for years. Again, the safety and effectiveness of harvesting the stem cells is FDA 510k cleared and has been extensively researched for safety. What we are really talking about here is the actual treatment of OA with stem cells. Does it really help or doesn't it?

In my opinion, there is much more than just effectiveness as to why the FDA has not approved any of these treatments. Stem cell therapy is a threat to the cash cow of big pharma and the hospital medical system that currently exists. X-ray or your knee, a cortisone shot (plenty of scientific research out there now showing that extensive cortisone shots will deteriorate a joint). Didn't work. MRI of your knee. Lets try another cortisone shot, maybe some gel shots or some pain medications. That didn't work, lets do a $40,000 surgery. Many of these pain medications people have received are FDA approved, yet are so addicting and ruined lives.

Although I do agree with you using the word "holistic" or "alternative" can suggest quackery, I do think it is unfair to label those terms as 100% negative. Like anything professional, there are good and bad. There are good doctors and bad doctors, there are good restaurants and bad restaurants, there are good lawyers and bad lawyers, etc. I personally enjoy going to a Chiropractor for aches and pains. I also prefer to take natural supplements for ailments vs medications.

I am not sure what the end game of this conversation is, but from my point of view, we are having a healthy debate on the topic. I hope that is the way you see it too. I respect your position and your beliefs and the last thing I want to come out of this conversation is anything negative.

ME: Thanks for the respectful dialogue. I see no reason to continue. Take care and have a good day.

HER: Same to you, Tom.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Another Respected Medical Organization Goes To The Dark Side

"I can no longer trust them or respect their judgment. It is distressing to learn that my former idols have feet of clay. I respect the right of patients to try anything they want to try, but I can hope they have access to accurate scientific information and can exercise true informed consent. I’m not going to waste any more time complaining to the AAFP, because I’m convinced they are not prepared to listen. But I can hope that by writing about the true state of the evidence on SBM I will be able to reach at least a few people who will be less likely to start down that slippery slope."

Click on the link below for an expose of the American Academy of Family Physicians:


Friday, August 13, 2021

What Has The USA Lost And How?

Throughout its history, the USA has been more of an idea of what humanity could be rather than what the USA actually is. It has been a "City on the Hill" since its land was first colonized. However, because of religious factionalism inherent within the colonies, the US Constitution wisely established not only the recognition of basic human rights but also included the separation of religion and government.

Since that time, there has been a slow, gradual and painful advancement towards achieving its ideals. Until recently, the ideals of the USA were held by the vast majority of the public as almost quasi-religious. Yes, there have always been ideological outliers. However, they were effectively marginalized or attenuated by the wisdom of the voters. 

I have spent a significant time in Washington, DC in my 76+ years on this planet. I enjoyed touring the Smithsonian buildings, the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Monuments without having to go through any significant security gauntlets. I could feel their special purposes historically, politically, and practically. I felt that truly I was living in freedom being a resident of the USA. In a secular way, I felt that I was on sacred grounds. With today's security measures in the area, it feels that the USA is under siege. IT IS!!

The religious dogmatists, conspiracy theorists, supporters of alternatives to medicine, and all other anti-science purveyors are winning. How? *The Republican Party has allowed itself to be hijacked by this magical thinking evil. Unless our society adopts science-based thinking, and soon, will the last person leaving turn the light out?

* Of course, I'm not even addressing their discredited economics here. If you support their economics, just peruse this blog to see what I am talking about there.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Osteopathic Physicians Are Real Medical Doctors, But - - -

Osteopathic physicians are real medical doctors but traditionally have additional training in manual manipulative techniques not unlike the quackery upon which chiropractic is centered. In spite of all the knowledge gained since the founding of osteopathy, this additional training is mandatory in osteopathy medical schools. Beware: sometimes if one has a hammer, everything looks like a nail. (link)

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Fibromyalgia: It's Ripe For Quackery

"The FM/a test is advertised as a definitive test to diagnose fibromyalgia. It isn’t definitive. It is expensive. It has not been shown to change patient outcomes."

Fibromyalgia is the second most common condition affecting your bones and muscles. Yet it's often misdiagnosed and misunderstood (link), thus, it is easily over and under-treated. Click on the link below for an example of questionable management of such:

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Organized Medical Disinformation

Understand that the present antivaccination stance held by many ignorant folks is promoted by many medical disinformation activist individuals and organizations. Click on the links below for a closer look:

The Disinformation Dozen

The 'Health Freedom Movement'

If you disagree with the above, you need to falsify the findings of the consensus of the biomedical research organizations mentioned here.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Essence Of Science In Less Than 5 Minutes

 "Are UFOs actually alien spacecraft visiting Earth? They might be, says Neil deGrasse Tyson, but if you want to make that claim you better bring the evidence to support it. Eyewitness testimony is the lowest form of evidence. To measure what is true or not true in the world, we require data -- and when it comes to alien appearances, it's as astronomer Carl Sagan said: 'Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.' So what can you do to prove your alien abduction story? Take selfies, live-stream video to the internet, and if you happen to find yourself in a spacecraft getting your 'gonads poked', then grab an item from the alien lab as evidence before they release you back on Earth."

This applies no matter if the claim involves religion, alternatives to medicine, conspiracy theories, or any other pseudoscience. Click on the link below for the conciseness and wisdom of Neil deGrasse Tyson:

Want to prove aliens exist? Do this

Friday, March 26, 2021

Admitting You Are Wrong Is Healthy

"Rethinking your opinions—and changing your views when your facts are proved wrong or someone makes a better argument—can make your life better. It can make you more successful, less anxious, and happier."

Click on the link below for an article that gives reasons and methods to overcome normal human resistance to admitting you are wrong.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Chiropractic And Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds contradictory beliefsideas, or values, and is typically experienced as psychological stress when they participate in an action that goes against one or more of them. The research article below shows the internal conflict that many chiropractic students experience when reality conflicts with their indoctrination into pseudoscience. Please note that chiropractic for spinal pain is treated in a positive light in the article when such is either a placebo or is effective treatment that can be provided by legitimate medical professionals called physical therapists without the risks inherent with quackery.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Research Into Chiropractic Come Up Short

There is no scientific support for chiropractic. Any studies showing improvement are either poorly designed or show treatment effects that are no better than traditional physical therapy or placebo. Thus, I ask the question, "Why continue to research it?"

"In the cases of asthma, infant colic, autism spectrum disorder, gastrointestinal problems, fibromyalgia, back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome, there was no conclusive scientific evidence." (link)

"Although the major reason for pediatric patients to attend a chiropractor is spinal pain, no adequate studies have been performed in this area. It is time for the chiropractic profession to take responsibility and systematically investigate the efficiency of joint manipulation of problems relating to the developing musculoskeletal system." (link)

"All randomized controlled trials with high or acceptable quality found that SMT was not superior to sham interventions for the treatment of these non-musculoskeletal disorders." (link)


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Magical Thinking And Fraud

Magical thinking (belief without objective evidence) is pervasive. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be so gullible in accepting so much fraud around us. None of us is totally immune from this harm. Click on the link below for a collection of the more obvious frauds:

Obvious FRAUDS People Actually FELL FOR

Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Demographic Most Likely To Use Alternatives To Medicine

"Younger women who are middle-class or above are more likely than any other group to use alternative medicine. But why?"

Click on the link below for an in-depth look at why the above demographic is most likely to use bogus treatments against medical problems.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Pharmacies Have Gotten Away With Selling Snake Oil Too Long

"A national science advocacy organization is urging pharmacists to be worthy of the trust that customers have placed in them to guide them in their health decisions by steering patients away from useless fake medicine in the form of homeopathy. The Center for Inquiry today asked the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners and its member organizations to ensure that these fraudulent products are treated as the snake oil they are." (link)

Read the ingredients on all OTC products sold in all pharmacies. In the context of this post, look for "Homeopathic." Also, Google is your friend in getting science-based information. When Googling an OTC product, be aware of two situations:
  • The first posts will be Ads in support of the product.
  • Most of the "Reviews" are trying to get you to not purchase the searched-for item but ANOTHER bogus product!
ONLY take information from known scientific sources. If unsure, check out the source on this website: Media Bias/Fact Check.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Salonpas: Beware Of The Hype

"Salonpas is an over-the-counter topical NSAID used to treat pain. It’s probably safe and might be worth trying for minor pain, but the effect is small and the advertising is more hype than substance."

Click on the link below for more.

Salonpas - SkepDoc

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Medicine For The Brain

If you are exposed to any media, you are deluged with alternatives to medicine pseudoscience, including brain health supplements such as Prevagen. Regarding the brain, the best things you can do for its health are simple and inexpensive. Neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta, MD, has some advice in a new book, "Keep Sharp." The book is supported by the fact that we now know that the brain is able to grow new cells throughout life. The big revelation to me was the following:
  • "I think that crossword puzzles and brain training exercises can be quite helpful at making the roads in your brain that you use a lot already, keeping them strong. ... It's kind of the "practice makes perfect" part of your brain. And some of the brain games can actually increase your processing speed, the speed at which you process new content and new information. But I really do draw a line between that and keeping a brain sharper and building cognitive reserve throughout your life. That's different. You want to be doing different things in order to build that reserve, as opposed to doing the same thing better and better. There's a role for both, but if it's cognitive reserve you're looking for, doing different things — things that *get you outside your comfort zone* — it's probably going to have a much bigger payoff."
Click here for an NPR interview with Dr. Gupta.
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*to include learning why others have different opinions than you?*
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UPDATE: 2/24/2021

Below are more links on this topic:

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Herbs: All You Need To Know

The Kentucky Council Against Health Fraud is an excellent resource concerning alternatives to medicine. The article below is a recent detailed scientific review by them on the pros and cons of herbs.

A Scientific Look At Alternative Medicine: Herbs

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Two Controversial Topics In Research

Many magical thinkers oppose research findings falsifying their claims. Are such folks correct, at least in part? Click on the two links below for videos that do a good job of objectively analyzing Bayesian probability calculations and research study findings in general:

The Bayesian Trap

Is Most Published Research Wrong?


Click on image

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
Click on image