Showing posts with label Critical Thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Critical Thinking. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Critical Thinking (Science-Based Thinking) About COVID-19

Below is a summary of a very important informational article on how to think about the COVID-19 pandemic and, essentially, all similar global medical-biological crises:

The most important inference to make here is that without accurate testing with real-time results, isolation is our only tool by which to lower the rate of infection and ‘flatten the curve’. By using Critical Thinking, we can logically infer, then, that once a faster type of testing is available, we will begin to see a lesser need for isolation and a gradual loosening of travel restrictions on citizens.

(Critical Thinking About Covid-19)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Does Consciousness Defeat Materialism?

One of my frequent YouTube video channels is "Closer to Truth" with Robert Lawrence Kuhn. It is from PBS television broadcasts. It "features leading philosophers and scientists exploring humanity’s deepest questions." While it is beautifully and professionally done, the problem I have is that Kuhn, a PhD brain scientist, is searching for the truth in the wrong places: philosophy and religion. The latest episode is entitled, "Does consciousness defeat materialism?" and is emblematic of his wanting to believe in a God. It is worth 26 minutes of your time.

This is my comment on it. There usually are some interesting comments to my comments if I comment:

  • "Science addresses testable claims and has a structured verification/justification process to minimize errors. Up to this point, science points to the high probability of mind/consciousness being a product of the material brain. Unfortunately, all the claims from philosophers, noetic scientists, intelligent design proponents, and others interested in finding non-material causes for consciousness have failed to present evidence for such. If they claim that science is not the correct tool for addressing the claim, what is, and how would you justify it? Until humanity comes up with a way to evaluate, accept, and verify the non-material claim, we are left with the probability found by science mentioned above. Anything else is an argument from ignorance."

Below is a link to the video:

"Does anything exist beyond the physical world? If yes, could consciousness undermine materialism? If no, could consciousness confirm materialism? It’s the big test."

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Beginning Of The Road To Atheism Is Questioning

Street Epistemology is a novel way of encouraging the public to think about their belief system and to question anything they doubt. In a way, it is Critical Thinking 101 in a non-academic environment. From their web page:

While there are a variety of definitions for Street Epistemology (SE), here are a few that seem appropriate:
  1. Street Epistemology is the application of epistemology (the study of knowledge) outside of formal academic contexts.
  1. Street Epistemology is a fun and effective way to talk to people about what's really true.
  1. Street Epistemology is a conversational tool that helps people reflect on the reliability of the methods used to arrive at their deeply-held beliefs.
  1. Street Epistemology is the process of identifying, understanding, and challenging belief claims by asking questions.
Street Epistemology is dialectically-based, grounded in the Socratic method, and enhanced by recent evidence-based advances from a wide spectrum of disciplines, such as motivational interviewing, applied philosophy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Here is some wisdom in applying it.

This is a good example of the process in action. Be sure to read Anthony's thoughts in the narrative post-interview, as well as the comments :

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Critical Thinking Can Be Taught

We science-based thinkers/skeptics regularly promote the teaching of critical thinking skills.  However, from a practical standpoint, how do we do it? Because of limited educational resources, it may not be feasible to address the issue with separate classes.

This article shows the promise of effective teaching of critical thinking in humanities classes as part of the usual curricula:

Critical thinking instruction in humanities reduces belief in pseudoscience


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Education Has To Put Critical Thinking #1

Yes, some memorization and repetition of facts and concepts are important. However, all too often, the value of authority, compliance and conformity is emphasized to the detriment of critical thinking ability.

If you disagree with me, please tell me how someone like Donald Trump could ever be elected POTUS if educational systems are doing their jobs.

Here are three articles addressing the problem and recommending solutions:  herehere and here.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

"Believe Me."

The most frequent phrase of Donald Trump in his quest for the most powerful political office on the planet is, "Believe me."**  Does it sound familiar?  Essentially, it is the mantra of all individuals in positions of power to get his or her followers to believe them.  Do any of the followers of such people ask the important question, "Why?"  Of course not.  From politicians, religious leaders, medical quacks, et al, it is the same:  do not question me, I have the answers.  THIS is the reason for this blog.  THIS is the reason I have devoted the remainder of my life to exposing this bogus process of depriving people of their innate ability to critically think.  Virtually every evil done by a group of any size uses the "Believe me" mantra, explicitly as Trump does, or implicitly, as most others do.

If you question this, please take what I am saying and look back through history to see the pattern.  Look at the religious leaders, the political leaders, the quack medical leaders.  Belief without evidence is not going to get you to the truth.  Demand evidence from any and all who say, in effect, "Believe me", but without supporting evidence.  Science has given us so much information.  It is up to all of us to absorb this information and analyze it, in the light of what scientific experts working in the appropriate fields say that can address the questions you have.

The culture of the USA, and the rest of the world,  is generally ignorant.  Now, before you get your panties in a wad, just do a simple internet search of "Ignorance in the world" and read at least several links.

If you can honestly see yourself as one who accepts the "Believe me" without supporting evidence, then you have a choice: remain ignorant, or be a skeptic/critical thinker and use the resources readily available to educate yourself.  If you agree with me and have been a like-minded thinker, please spread this rare, but valuable, commodity.

** According to multiple reputable fact-checkers, Trumps statements are mostly false.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mature And Decent People Form Opinions Based On Evidence

"The facts here are clear: These men were exonerated. Another man has admitted to committing the crime, as proven by DNA evidence," the campaign said in a statement. "Trump rushed to judgment on the case, has refused to admit he is wrong and continues to peddle yet another racist lie, a pattern for him and a clear reason why he is unfit to be president."

More evidence that Trump is not qualified for the Presidency

Friday, September 30, 2016

Changing One's Opinion In Light Of Evidence Is A Strength

"Every religious community must interpret its scripture and adjust its traditions to conform to the modern world. Western Christians used to murder people they believed were witches. They did this for centuries. It’s hard to exaggerate the depths of moral and intellectual confusion this history represents. But it is also true that we have largely outgrown such confusion in the West. The texts themselves haven’t changed. The Bible still suggests that witchcraft is real. It isn’t. And we now know that a belief in witches was the product of ancient ignorance and fear. Criticizing a belief in witchcraft, and noticing its connection to specific atrocities—atrocities that are still committed by certain groups of Christians in Africa—isn’t a form of bigotry against Christians. It’s the only basis for moral and political progress."

What Hillary Clinton Should Say about Islam and the “War on Terror”

Monday, September 19, 2016

Critical Thinking Educational Materials

I argue that the most important part of education is teaching critical thinking skills.  Below are several links that not only support that opinion but also give practical tools for doing so in the full spectrum of educational environments.

The Most Dangerous Disease On The Planet

Yes, this is satire.  However, all good satire make a good point, and Borowitz never fails.  Just look around you.  Do you see fellow humans rationally analyzing claims to see if they comport with available evidence?  Ya, me neither.

Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans

Monday, September 5, 2016

Colleges Measure Student Satisfaction, Not Learning

"When we do attempt to measure learning, the results are not pretty. US researchers found that a third of American undergraduates demonstrated no significant improvement in learning over their four-year degree programs. They tested students in the beginning, middle and end of their degrees using the Collegiate Learning Assessment, an instrument that tests skills any degree should improve – analytic reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and writing."

Why Universities Should Get Rid of PowerPoint and Why They Won’t

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Intelligence And Education Don't Necessarily Make One Wise

"We should not idolize or glorify stupidity as somehow virtuous when it can be avoided so easily. We have the technical and social means to educate, to develop our capacities for critical reasoning, and to appreciate the wealth of readily available knowledge around us, free to consume in many cases, and open for the curious, regardless of IQ, to explore."

Stupid Is

Are you an intellectual? It doesn't take what you think.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Intelligence And Education Is Not Enough To Protect Against Dogma

One of my favorite podcasts is the John Batchelor Show.  It is out of NYC on WABC and is syndicated across the USA.  Mr. Batchelor is one of the most well-read individuals with whom I have come in contact.  His show contains interviews with those from many interesting fields, but especially non-fiction authors. However, there is one area in which he exposes himself as an ideologue.

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Age Of Click-Bait

"The internet and social media have rapidly revolutionized the way we communicate, find, and consume news. Large publishers able to maintain a significant infrastructure are no longer the gatekeepers of information. This has both positive and negative ramifications."

You have to be skeptical of everything you read online.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Critical Thinking And Belief In The Supernatural

"The opposition between religious beliefs and scientific evidence can be explained by difference in brain structures and cognitive activity. Scientists have found critical thinking is suppressed in the brains of people who believe in the supernatural."

Ya, right, not shocking.  But the study also showed a correlation between spiritual belief and empathy.  The take-away? Science-based thinkers may want to guard against possible de-emphasizing of empathy and make sure the positive aspects of his or her social neurological network are also engaged.

Critical thinking suppressed in brains of people who believe in the supernatural


Click on image

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
Click on image