Showing posts with label Counterapologetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Counterapologetics. Show all posts

Friday, August 6, 2021

William Lane Craig Is At Least Incorrigible

"Christian apologist William Lane Craig’s 'The Absurdity of Life Without God' contains the claim that atheists can’t be happy and philosophically consistent - that if an atheist is happy, it’s only because they’re living inconsistently with their own views, so atheism is truly unlivable. But what does the actual data say? Can atheists be happy without stealing from god? Here, I respond to WLC’s claim while discussing actual research on atheism and mental health/happiness."

A person who is incorrigible is unable to be corrected. A definition of insanity is doing the same thing repetitively and expect different results. A devious person will repeat falsehoods until he is caught. Once again, William Lane Craig continues his lucrative pattern (choose your label) in spite of repetitive correction. Click on the link below for an appropriate counter-apologetic.

“It’s impossible for atheists to do this!” …but It’s Not

Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Multiverse Hypothesis: The Evidence Behind it

The multiverse hypothesis is a common counter-apologetic against religious apologetics. However, the religious do have a point: it is not clearly true. That said, they ignore the facts behind its hypothesis. Click on the link below for a clear and concise presentation of scientific reasons for its possibility and, perhaps, its probability:

Do We Live in a Multiple Universe?

Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Case FOR And AGAINST Fine Tuning

"Arguments for fine-tuning: Physics has many constants like the charge of the electron, the gravitational constant, Planck’s constant. If any of their values were different, our universe, as we know it, would not be the same, and life would probably not exist."

Click on the link below for one of the best cases for fine-tuning of our reality. The bad news for theists: it's still not enough to put God in the gap of our knowledge.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Biological Sex: The Science

Below is a "Slide Presentation" by a biologist designed to educate the layperson on the reality of the sex/gender spectrum embedded within human biology. This is true, whether you accept it or not. It is NOT cultural.

If you think that sex/gender is binary because of religious doctrine, please slowly and carefully, with an open mind, read this. Thanks.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Naturalism, Supernaturalism, And Presuppositions

Theists challenge atheists with the claim that all people have presuppositions, which are assumptions made in advance and taken for granted. Is this true? Let's take a look at the actions of religious apologists: they assume that there is a supernatural, a God, spiritual beings, and miracles. Unfortunately for them, there is no objective evidence for any of it. In comparison, science and its methods make NO assumptions and only accept claims with sufficient supporting objective evidence. Most atheists with whom I have been in contact are science-based thinkers like myself. Click on the link below for clarity regarding how science works:

" - - - Science, at least ideally, is committed to the pursuit of truth about the nature of reality, whatever it may be, and hence cannot exclude the existence of the supernatural a priori, be it on methodological or metaphysical grounds, without artificially limiting its scope and power. Hypotheses referring to the supernatural or paranormal should be rejected not because they violate alleged a priori methodological or metaphysical presuppositions of the scientific enterprise, but rather because they fail to satisfy basic explanatory criteria, such as explanatory power and parsimony, which are routinely considered when evaluating claims in science and everyday life. Implications of our view for science education are discussed."

Does Science Presuppose Naturalism (or Anything at All)?

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Skeptical Theism: The Bogus Response To The Problem Of Evil

Most Christian apologists to whom I have been exposed state that the best argument against Christianity is the Problem of Evil: "The epistemic question posed by evil is whether the world contains undesirable states of affairs that provide the basis for an argument that makes it unreasonable to believe in the existence of God." The counter to this rebuttal to Christianity is usually Skeptical Theism: "Skeptical theism is a strategy for bringing human cognitive limitations to bear in reply to arguments from evil against the existence of God." (i.e. "How do you know that God doesn't have a greater purpose for the evil?")

Click on the link below for a podcast rejecting this apologetic:

Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Character Of The Christian God

"The bible says over and over again that God is jealous while also telling us not to be jealous. It also tells us to be meek while also asking us to worship him.

"Why is there a difference? Why would the writers of the bible focus on this aspect so much?"

Christian apologists present God as "Perfect": all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, all-present. However, one doesn't have to go very far in reading the Bible to understand the true character. Click on the click below if you are open to a different way of looking at God.

Why Would A God Need to be Worshiped?

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Another Challenge To The First Cause Argument For God

"Causality is one of those difficult scientific topics that can easily stray into the realm of philosophy.

"Science's relationship with the concept started out simply enough: an event causes another event later in time.  That had been the standard understanding of the scientific community up until quantum mechanics was introduced. 

"Then, with the introduction of the famous "spooky action at a distance" that is a side effect of the concept of quantum entanglement, scientists began to question that simple interpretation of causality.

"Now, researchers at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the University of Oxford have come up with a theory that further challenges that standard view of causality as a linear progress from cause to effect."

Religious apologists frequently lead out with variations of the Cosmological (First Cause) argument for God. Click on the link below for more murkiness regarding causation.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Christianity Has No Moral Authority

Modern society generally is in agreement that owning another person (slavery) is immoral. How did humanity finally come to this consensus? Was it through the authority of the major religions of the world? What about Christianity? Click on the link below for an hour-long video exposing the immorality of Christianity regarding this topic, and how slavery was ended by humanistic thinking rebels from religious authority. 

I wonder how much human history would have changed if one of the 10 Commandments stated, "Thou shall not own another human." Of course, there are many other immoral aspects of Christianity, but that is for other posts.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Scientific Consensus

Religious apologists frequently will point to religious scientists, either in the past or present, and use the fallacy of numbers to support the notion that science and religion are compatible. However, they ignore the fact that members of the ELITE scientific organizations in the USA (National Academy of Sciences) and the UK (the Royal Society) overwhelmingly reject the claims for the supernatural and a God because of the lack of evidence. The fact that some scientists personally accept these unsupported claims is much different than science as a discipline accepting them: it doesn't (full-stop).

These religious people misunderstand the concept of Scientific Consensus, which is nicely and concisely presented in this link, some of which is below:

"I like to imagine the scientific method as resembling the solar system. The planets, traveling in perfect orbits, represent the pillars of the scientific method: Observations, hypotheses, predictions/experiments, and continuous refinements.

"What holds all of this together -- the inward tug of gravity in this analogy -- is consensus. We often call it "theory," but that's just a different word for consensus. Every scientific field has a unifying theory: for biology, it is evolution; for chemistry, atomic theory; and for physics, quantum mechanics and general relativity. We could replace the word "theory" with "consensus," and the meaning would essentially be the same."

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

A Christian Scholar Debunks A Christian Scholar

"It's Christian scholar vs Christian scholar... is there sufficient evidence to support groups of people who saw a risen Jesus, and thereby create a problem for a naturalistic hypothesis like a hallucination? Dr. Andrew Loke puts forth some bold claims, and Dr. Dale Allison knocks them down... but in a different interview, so Paulogia had to put them together for you."

I love it when Christian scholars significantly disagree about historical evidence for the Biblical stories. This is special because the debunking scholar essentially debunks Christianity but still is a believer. It's a nice example of cognitive dissonance that makes it difficult to go for full rejection of the myth presently.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Clear And Unbiased Look At The Argument From Fine-Tuning

 "In this video, I explain how the argument that the universe is fine-tuned for life works, why it's wrong, how the mistake happens, and what that means for the existence of god and the multiverse."

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Arguments From Faith Debunked

"Now we could continue to list more definitions, but, honestly, there’s no need – the point has been made; there are many definitions of the word ‘faith’, and people frequently use them interchangeably, which makes them extremely susceptible to committing Equivocation Fallacies… and that, good Sirs and Ladies, is the primary flaw with Arguments from Faith… they quite simply are the embodiment of the Equivocation Fallacy (which I explain within the video)."

Take less than 10 minutes to really understand how bad accepting claims on "Faith" is.

Appeal to Faith Refuted

Friday, January 1, 2021

A Catholic Apologist Exposed

This Catholic apologist talks about truth and evidence as if there were no science in our reality. Take a 1/2 hour to get into his mind and understand the level of indoctrination and subsequent ignorance that society HAS to marginalize if it ever is to thrive.

Journalism and Truth?

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Story Of Jesus Probably IS A Legend

"How can we be sure that the story of Jesus wasn’t changed over time? How do we know that the virgin conception, the miracles, and the Resurrection weren’t added to the story late? J. Warner Wallace talks about the nature of evidence tampering in this video, excerpted from his interview with Lee Strobel at a Sunday morning service at Woodlands Church in Woodlands, Texas."

The 18-min video below clarifies the issue and debunked the major apologetic FOR the Jesus of the Bible.

Click on the link below:

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Whataboutism and Christianity

"Some of the terms we use to describe political rhetoric are as old as politics itself (see ad hominem attacks, or such devices as synecdoche, metonymy, or zeugma). Others are more recent additions, driven by the evolution of the news cycle (like fake news and dog whistles).

"But hey, aren’t we ignoring a bigger subject here? How can we talk about rhetorical devices and not mention whataboutism?

" - - - it’s essentially a reversal of accusation, arguing that an opponent is guilty of an offense just as egregious or worse than what the original party was accused of doing, however unconnected the offenses may be.

" - - - Rhetoricians generally consider it to be a form of tu quoque, which means "you too" in Latin and involves charging your accuser with whatever it is you've just been accused of rather than refuting the truth of the accusation made against you. Tu quoque is considered to be a logical fallacy because whether or not the original accuser is likewise guilty of an offense has no bearing on the truth value of the original accusation." (link)

- - - - - - -

Why am I discussing this term? Christian apologists throw it at skeptics when discussing the reliability of the Bible as a historical source. Here is a link comparing the evidence of the Jesus in the Bible and other ancient historical individuals. Please remember that there are no primary sources in support of the Bible as history. When you add in the supernatural claims, the bar is high indeed for acceptance of the Bible as history.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Jesus Infancy Narratives Not Trustworthy

"What this means is that the birth narratives were added in as an afterthought or in reaction to some perceived need or desire brought about by some external conflict or issue. This leads to confirmation that the birth narratives are not historically reliable."

The Bible has no primary sources, thus, it is not historically trustworthy. Add in the probability that the Jesus infancy narratives were added late in the story and one has even less reason to accept the Bible as anything other than historical fiction. In any event, please enjoy Christmas if you celebrate it in any way.

Luke 1 & 2 Infancy Narratives as a Later Interpolation

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

"The Soul" Falsified

"Neurologist VS Ramachandran explains the case of split-brain patients with one hemisphere without a belief in a god, and the other with a belief in a god."

This is just one of several short and easy-to-understand videos that falsify the claim for an immortal "Soul." Follow the "breadcrumbs" left from this video and be educated in the topic.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Do Atheists Misinterpret The Bible?

"Well this is a common criticism – the idea that the atheist is guilty of a literalist reading of Scripture no better than the reading of fundamentalist. And that it’s a very naïve way of approaching religion, and that there’s a lot more sophisticated and nuanced view of religion ______ and the atheist is disregarding that. A few problems with this. Anyone making that argument is failing to acknowledge just how many people really do approach these texts literally or functionally – whether they’re selective literalists, or literal all the way down the line. There is a . . . there are certain passages in Scripture that just cannot be read figuratively."  

Click on the link below for a 7-minute video by Sam Harris that helps to clarify this literal vs figurative disagreement regarding how to interpret the Bible.


Click on image

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
Click on image