Showing posts with label Atheism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atheism. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Erroneous Thinking Of Sam Harris

One of the most known personalities in the promotion of atheism and science-based thinking is Sam Harris. I follow him semi-regularly and appreciate his work. However, I can no longer stay silent in the face of his continued bias as represented in this recent podcast. Following are examples of this erroneous thinking:

He supports the Alt Right's Intellectual Dark Web.” He believes that Islam is the only reason for 9/11, but ignores Israeli terror on the Palestinians. He accepts the discredited racial pseudoscience of Charles Murray. He doesn't accept the reality of systemic racism or unconscious bias. He is not accepting of the full spectrum of evidence regarding police violence. (link(link) (link) (link) (link(link(link(link
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11/27/2020 - UPDATE: This link debunks him regarding his claim that "the police used more deadly force against white people—both in absolute numbers and in terms of their contribution to crime and violence in our society."

12/10/2020 - UPDATE: This link shows his continuing "blind spot."

1/15/2021 - UPDATE: This link focuses on his whataboutism/false equivalency regarding the insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6th.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Survey About Atheists And Nonreligious People

"The U.S. Secular Survey was the largest and most comprehensive data collection project about atheists and nonreligious people ever conducted."

A must-read to understand the atheist experience within our religious culture.

Click on the link below:

Reality Check: Being Nonreligious in America

Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Major "Blind Spot" For Christian Apologists

I frequently expose myself to Christian apologists and attempt to interact with some of them. In virtually all contact with them, there is a major "blind spot": they view atheists as a monolith. This blog post is a clear and succinct explanation of the two major differences within atheism.

There are two main categories of us: magical thinking atheists; science-based thinking atheists. The former are atheists who are ripe for an emotional appeal and are easily persuaded by arguments such as Aquinas’ Five Proofs for the existence of God. In essence, it is this type of atheist that is liable to be persuaded by philosophical/theological arguments   The latter are much harder to change beliefs as they require sufficient objective evidence. The link below is a look into the thinking of us science-based thinking atheists:

A summary of my letter to Christian apologists

Monday, January 13, 2020

If A Word Describes Your Position On A Topic Use It

Why are some scientists reluctant to use descriptive words to present their opinions on some topics? Leonard Susskind is a noted physicist who does an excellent job in this 8-minute video of countering religious dogma. He clearly is an atheist and an agnostic but will not declare himself as such (see beginning at about the 6:30 point in the video).

Why do I think this issue is important? Language is how humans communicate with each other and every word has a meaning. Atheism and Agnosticism are words that can stir up negative emotions and, thus, some influential people who know better fail to use them. Until this changes, it is my opinion that the route to acceptance of science-based thinking will be significantly impeded.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Monday, December 30, 2019

Is Philosophy Stupid?

Richard Carrier presents a very interesting analysis of philosophy in this hour-long video. While he criticizes some scientists, notably Lawrence Kraus and Stephen Hawking here, for their opinion of philosophy, his comparison of philosophy with science AND the comparison of "good" philosophy with "pseudo" philosophy is enlightening.

Click below for the video:

Are Atheists Fundamentalists?

"Jordan Peterson and Reza Aslan have called atheists like Sam Harris atheist fundamentalists. But are atheists fundamentalists? What do atheists believe that makes them fundies? Richard Dawkins has responded to this criticism before, but I felt it worthy to address it on my own.
"Christian fundamentalism breeds bad ideas like creationism and reliance on faith. Many atheists and anti-theists think that deserves a challenge. If that means we spend time debunking biblical literalism, then so be it."

The claim that atheists are "fundamentalists" is ludicrous. Most atheists simply are so because they find no convincing evidence in support of any God.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Outgrowing God

Richard Dawkins' latest book, Outgrowing God, is written primarily for young minds who are exposed to misconceptions regarding objective reality:

  • "In twelve fiercely funny, mind-expanding chapters, Dawkins explains how the natural world arose without a designer—the improbability and beauty of the “bottom-up programming” that engineers an embryo or a flock of starlings—and challenges head-on some of the most basic assumptions made by the world’s religions: Do you believe in God? Which one? Is the Bible a “Good Book”? Is adhering to a religion necessary, or even likely, to make people good to one another? Dissecting everything from Abraham’s abuse of Isaac to the construction of a snowflake, Outgrowing God is a concise, provocative guide to thinking for yourself."
This podcast interview gives a nice introduction to the book, as well as insight into what formed Dawkins worldview.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Moral And Scientific Progress Due To Christianity?

There is a widespread opinion within Christianity that the moral progress of humanity is due to Christianity. This book authored by John Dickerson entitled "Jesus Skeptic" is a good example of this biased thinking. Dickerson claims that Jesus "launched the greatest movement for social good in human history." This review challenges his claim:
  • " - - - Dickerson claims that the advances of the scientific method, fostering public education and universities, pioneering hospitals and modern medicine, and the abolition of slavery were core developments in human society in which Christians have been the primary participants. These seem to be in juxtaposition to broader assumptions about Christianity that it is anti-science, anti-intellectual, superstitious, and complicit in human injustice. - - - These four areas are selectively chosen and while there are Christians who were active in these areas, there are also Christians who were active in opposition. To present the narrative that Christian faith is the primary factor responsible for science, education, medicine, and freedom also carries a dangerous assumption that non-Christians are incapable of supporting the same virtuous activities. - - - "
Also, here are three articles in opposition to this claim (link)(link)(link).
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In addition to the above, apologists claim that science came from Christianity. As this video shows (beginning at 9:30), this ignores the science from Islam, and those civilizations before the beginning of Christianity such as the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Chinese, and the Indians from which Christianity borrowed. Also, the claim cannot be falsified because a controlled experiment is impossible.

In western civilization, all scientists in the early stages of science were male and white. Based on this flawed thinking, being male and/or white could also be its cause. Finally, since Christianity controlled every form of education during the early years of science in Europe, how could scientists NOT be Christian?

(NOTE: ALL religious people stop at Level 2 of Moral Development, according to Lawrence Kohlberg: "Behavior driven by obeying authority and conforming to social order." (link)

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***If you disagree with this post, how do you justify or verify that your beliefs are true? What is your view regarding the value of evidence?***
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Thursday, November 28, 2019

The History Of My Atheism

My mother, Lorette Alice Cormier Rafferty, died on this date in 1986. She died after a long, horrible period with Alzheimer's disease. Before her illness, I was as a devout Catholic as you could imagine. However, as my mother gradually lost her "Me/I" I began to wonder where is she? She was gradually going away from us. When she finally died, I changed my thought process to "Where IS she, if anyplace?" That day was the beginning of a several-year process of education (thank you, internet!) to finally understand reality through science and today I am a happy atheist who makes my own meaning in life.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Christians: Listen To Us, Not What Others Are Saying About Us

"Many theists believe and tell several lies about atheists, sometimes out of ignorance, and sometimes out of malice. Five of the lies I tackle here are that atheists lose faith because of hardship, atheists who deconverted were never true believers, atheists have never studied X religion, there are no atheists in foxholes, and that atheists secretly believe in god. Religious media loves to propagate all these falsehoods (I'm looking at you Pureflix's God's Not Dead and CBS' God Friended Me). For those believers who will listen, it only takes 10 minutes with a calm, friendly atheist to explain why all of these statements are false. That's why I'm here.
"These false statements confuse a lot of people about why atheists don't believe in God, whether atheists can be good people, or if atheists are educated about religion. To further the conversation, we've got to put these to bed. These false statements confuse a lot of people about why atheists don't believe in God, whether atheists can be good people, or if atheists are educated about religion. To further the conversation, we've got to put these to bed."

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Most Atheists ARE Open-Minded

Most atheists are skeptical/science-based thinkers, thus, they will change their minds but ONLY with sufficient evidence.

Is Atheism Open-Minded?

The Theist Guide To Converting Atheists

Insight Into How Atheists Raise Their Children

"How do atheists teach their children? Do atheist parents teach their kids that there is no god? I spoke with two of the directors of Camp Quest Texas, David and Jamye, about how they, as atheist parents and teachers, teach children. We also discuss how we can raise the next generation free of dogma."

How Atheists Teach Their Children

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Beginning Of The Road To Atheism Is Questioning

Street Epistemology is a novel way of encouraging the public to think about their belief system and to question anything they doubt. In a way, it is Critical Thinking 101 in a non-academic environment. From their web page:

While there are a variety of definitions for Street Epistemology (SE), here are a few that seem appropriate:
  1. Street Epistemology is the application of epistemology (the study of knowledge) outside of formal academic contexts.
  1. Street Epistemology is a fun and effective way to talk to people about what's really true.
  1. Street Epistemology is a conversational tool that helps people reflect on the reliability of the methods used to arrive at their deeply-held beliefs.
  1. Street Epistemology is the process of identifying, understanding, and challenging belief claims by asking questions.
Street Epistemology is dialectically-based, grounded in the Socratic method, and enhanced by recent evidence-based advances from a wide spectrum of disciplines, such as motivational interviewing, applied philosophy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Here is some wisdom in applying it.

This is a good example of the process in action. Be sure to read Anthony's thoughts in the narrative post-interview, as well as the comments :

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


The stark difference between magical/faith-based thinkers and science-based thinkers:

Magical/faith-based thinkers:

"I am certain that the answer to all of the mysteries of the universe is God did it."

Science-based thinkers:

"We don't know enough about those questions to even ask them, let alone answer them."

The essence of agnosticism

(it is about knowledge, theism or atheism are about belief. These are different categories)

Monday, August 5, 2019

Example Of Atheist Communication With Theist Relative

One of the hardest things for an atheist, who is just coming out as such, to do is to communicate this situation to a family member. This is one of the best-written communications on the matter I have read:

Dear Sister: I am an Atheist

This organization does great work in supporting newly-open atheists.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Atheists, Please Don't Be Discouraged

If you have closely followed me, you know that I was a Devout Catholic and I considered myself to be a skeptic before I dumped religion. I had ONE co-worker decades ago who was respectful, engaging and truly was a friend. He essentially was a life-long atheist. Prior to this interaction, the only "open" atheist I had come in contact with was truly evil. Can you see why it took me so long?

We parted professional ways but stayed in contact. He was amazed after an email I sent him when I told him I was no longer a theist but an atheist. Why did I make such a drastic change? Because of the seed he planted as a close friend, which allowed me to explore the internet with an open mind. I think you can see the lesson here. My friend who started the ball rolling may chime in or not here.  It is his choice.

If you are beginning to open yourself up to atheism, or recently have taken the big, anxious step of accepting that you are an atheist, this article is for you.  Also, these statistics should give you some comfort:

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Former Atheists Who Are Now Catholics

As anyone who knows and/or follows me knows, I was more Catholic than the Pope most of my 73 years. The internet "Saved" me from the bullshit of religion. Since leaving the Catholic Church, I have been following and interacting on several Catholic websites. One, in particular, is

On this website is a section that highlights folks coming to the Catholic faith from other worldviews. I have commented on a few former atheist's entries regarding how they could possibly go in the opposite direction as me. Reading their testimonies, the consistent finding was that they had a crisis and, instead of studying why most of us are atheists, they went with their feelings and the influence of those around them. Sad.

What I really learned from this effort is that, even though we atheists are a small minority, many are not science-based thinkers. Perhaps we should be spending more time proselytizing our own toward science-based thinking.

Note to atheists who are not science-based thinkers: Theism is Incoherent.

What do you think?

Friday, June 29, 2018

Christianity And The Holocaust

 " - - - it’s hard to make the case that the Holocaust had a single cause. It’s foolish to look for simplistic explanations, because major historical events—hell, even minor ones—have multiple causes."

  • “There is little question that the Holocaust had its origins in the centuries-long hostility felt by Christians against Jews.” José M. Sánchez, Pius XII and the Holocaust: Understanding the Controversy, 2002, Catholic University Press of America.
  • “Hitler was merely doing what the Church had done for 1,500 years.” Guenter Lewy, The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany, 2000, De Capo Press
Can Christianity Be Blamed for the Holocaust?


Click on image

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
Click on image