Saturday, March 31, 2018


The word, "shame", has negative connotations. It is painful, humiliating, disgraceful, causes regret, and can lead to censure by others.  Since humans are imperfect, we all have experienced it in some form.  That said, can there be positive results from it? I think that it can be an effective tool for changing poor behavior, as well as in changing one from being a magical thinker to being a science-based thinker, if used in a loving, caring manner. Some psychological research seems to support it also.

Following are other links supporting shame:

Why Shame and Guilt Are Functional For Mental Health

(Emirates 24/7)

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Evidence For A Historical Jesus

Every year around this time (Easter), Christian apologists talk about the historicity of the events surrounding the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus.  However, outside of the New Testament, where is the evidence?

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Challenging The Lies Regarding Gun Control

This article challenges some common objections to reasonable gun control.  Oh, please note, the author is a Republican.

(Upfront - Scholastic)

Nostalgia For The Once-Legitimate Republican Party

This editorial is a reminder that the Republican Party was a decent, science-based political party.  I could do without the religious impregnation seen even then, however.  That said, it was nothing like the present hijacking by fundamentalist wackos. To Democrats who disagree with this post, I say NO political party has all the answers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Let The Mystery Be

The main problem with promoters of religion, alternatives to medicine and all other pseudoscience is that they move past the knowledge provided by science.  This is called The Argument from Ignorance or if it is from the religious, The God of the Gaps Argument.  Why do this?  This article explains the situation quite succinctly and clearly. Wouldn't you think that if one God was real, one religion's claims would be accepted by science and there would be no gaps?

Why not just stay within what we really know and just "Let the Mystery Be?"

Fake News Effecting Medicine

Traditionally, the public puts great trust in medical physicians and assumes, when he or she is in contact with them, that they will be getting science-based medicine from them.  Following is an example of how even physicians can be influenced by fake news.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (T.E.N.S.)

What is the truth about this heavily advertised modality for pain, as well as other applications?

(The Fix)

An Outstanding Counter-Apologetic To Religion

"People are afraid of death, of being alone, of living in a dangerous and uncaring universe, and of not knowing what is the right thing to do. They think that only religion can help them cope with these anxieties and solve these problems. But relying on religion may actually prevent them from maturing emotionally and intellectually so that they could find better ways to resolve their fears and solve their problems."

Interview – Richard Wade (Part 2)

Making Stuff Up For 2,000 Years

Anyone who has studied religions knows that one of the most dogmatic religions is the Catholic Church, with its volumes of promulgations concerning do's and don't's, as well as claims on reality.  Following are several examples from YouTube videos produced by a major Catholic apologetic source called "Catholic Answers." As you view this representative collection, please keep one question in mind, "How do they know that is true, where is the evidence?"

Friday, March 23, 2018


Is it fair to use this word against those who persist in promoting religion, alternatives to medicine and all other pseudoscience in spite of knowledge readily available? In my opinion, yes.  Why? I present the definitions of stupid (given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner) and ad hominem (appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason).

Mike Pence Is In The On-Deck Circle

With what is happening with Donald Trump and the White House, I thought it is appropriate and timely to shine a science-based light on the Vice President.

Ice And NSAIDs For Acute Soft Tissue Injuries?

Conventional treatment for acute orthopedic injuries may not be as science-based as it should be:

"Even though there are some animal studies supporting the hypothesis that icing may have an effect on various inflammatory events at a cellular level (Bleakley et al 2010), that still does not support the belief that many have that icing is actually beneficial in humans in real clinical settings. In fact clinical trials on the efficacy of RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) have supported the use of compression but have found no value in icing (other than the temporary numbing effect already mentioned) (Hubbard et al 2004)."

Paradigm Shifts: Use of Ice & NSAIDs Post Acute Soft Tissue Injuries (Part 1 of 2)

"- - - sure there are studies supporting the use of NSAIDs on soft-tissue injuries and that is precisely why health care providers support their use, however the studies look at the short-term symptomatic recovery; what they fail to do is look at the long-term effects and recurrence rates with and without NSAIDs. At the expense of faster recovery, what effects do NSAIDs have on the actual quality of the bone, tendon, ligament or muscle repair?"

Paradigm Shifts: Use of Ice & NSAIDs Post Acute Soft Tissue Injuries (Part 2 of 2)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

There May Be A Better Way To Communicate Reality

Communicating fact, science and science-based thinking to the public is a frustrating effort.  This article presents some tips, especially to journalists.

Is There Objective Morality?

Atheists and other secular people are accused of not having objective morality because they reject the God who promulgates morality.  Many responses to this challenge have been less than satisfactory to both theists and non-theists.  This article does a good job is delving into the subject.

  • "Broadly speaking, morality appears to serve these related purposes: it creates stability, provides security, ameliorates harmful conditions, fosters trust, and facilitates cooperation in achieving shared and complementary goals. In other words, morality enables us to live together and, while doing so, to improve the conditions under which we live."
(Brett Milam)

Torture Is A Pro-Life Issue

Fundamentalist Christians usually are dogmatic regarding the value of a growing, non-viable fetus and call their view "Pro-Life."  However, how many of the same folks work towards the welfare of the disadvantaged people in society who see few options instead of abortion? (link) In addition, these same folks are more apt to be for torture. (link) This article concerning Trump's nominee for the CIA Directorship position presents the evils of torture.

(Amnesty International)

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Abortion From A Legal And Moral Perspective

"Good people disagree about the morality of abortion because we disagree about what defines human nature. First trimester abortions may have absolutely no moral implications whatsoever -- perhaps a first-trimester embryo is no more conscious than a kidney or spleen. Or they may have more serious moral implications. Our culture hasn't come to a consensus on that yet.

"But we know a little bit about murder and the differences between murder and other forms of killing."

Why Abortion Is Different 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Chiropractic Continues With Its Deaf Ear To Evidence

Consumer Health Digest #18-11

Persistent chiropractic problems noted
  • Samuel Homola, D.C., who retired after 43 years in practice, described: (a) his efforts opposing subluxation-based practice of chiropractic while advocating unsuccessfully for the development of his profession as science-based musculoskeletal specialty, (b) evidence that organized chiropractic continues to be based on discredited subluxation theory, (c) the role of discredited "natural" healing methods in contemporary chiropractic, (d) the potential for benefit and harm of spinal manipulation therapy, and (e) how chiropractic and physical therapy compare as career choices. [Homola S. Inside chiropractic: Past and present problems. Chirobase, Mar 15, 2018]

Comparing Martial Arts For Self-Defense

There are several martial arts systems for self-defense.  This brief article compares some of the most popular disciplines.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Science Is Not Afraid Of Being Wrong, But Some Scientists Are

"Hawking’s humility and graciousness would be rare in any age, but particularly at a time when conceding even the slightest error is viewed as a weakness to be derided and exploited. As key scientific fields like climate change and vaccinations become politicized, this kind of rigidity also infects how we do and don’t discuss them. Public-facing scientists become reluctant to concede uncertainty about data for fear that the admission will undermine funding and support for their research. The result: well-intentioned intellectuals who feel obligated to present science as a series of truths not to be argued or doubted.

"If Hawking’s life can teach anything to scientists, public intellectuals and social media users, it’s that humility and a willingness to change one’s mind are a sign of not weakness but an adventurous and intellectually engaged mind and polity. That’s a legacy as worthy as Hawking’s monumental scientific achievements."

Stephen Hawking taught us it was right to be wrong

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Can The Season Into Which You Are Born Effect Your Personality?

While these findings are interesting, there are many more factors that humans need to worry about.

A Current View Of Mindfulness Meditation

While many studies show some benefits of Mindfulness Meditation, it is becoming clear that the quality of the research is not up to par and there may be more hype than truth.

Where's the Proof That Mindfulness Meditation Works?

All about Mindfulness

Friday, March 16, 2018

Child Abuse

Really, would this make sense if you were an adult and were told this for the first time?  Is it not child abuse?

Welcome to this world 


Let's Compare The Progress Of Science And Religion

Religious apologists fail to recognize that, as knowledge of reality has grown through the findings of science, religion has essentially been left in the dust of history.  This article makes a clear comparison between these polar opposite ways of knowing.

An Example Of The Integrity Of Science

“The Nobel Prize is not given to the smartest person or even the one who makes the greatest contribution to science. It’s given to discovery,” said California Institute of Technology physicist Sean Carroll. “Hawking’s best theories have not yet been tested experimentally, which is why he hasn’t won a prize.”

Lack of evidence put Hawking’s Nobel hopes in black hole

One Reason Almost All Mass Shooters Are Male

Gun violence is not caused by one, or even a few, factors.  This article presents the case that how our society is raising its males should be getting greater scrutiny.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Justifying Science

John Loftus has posted on a post by Jerry Coyne on the topic of justifying science.  Please click (here) on the link to Coyne's post also.  The money quote:
You have the choice of living in one of two worlds: a world like ours in which science had come into being but religion never appeared, or a world in which religion had appeared but science never did. Which would you choose?
I doubt that many people except crackpots would choose the religious world, for in that one they’d die at age 25 of an absessed tooth while praying for recovery. And if you favor the science world, do we really need a philosophical justification?  Who benefits from such a justification besides philosophers?
In the end, Hawking is right: Science will win because it works.

Inductive And Deductive Reasoning

Austin Cline has posted a short essay defining deductive and inductive reasoning, with support for the superiority of inductive reasoning in finding new knowledge, even though its conclusions are not as certain as deductive reasoning .  By the way, inductive reasoning is the main tool of science.

Two Attributes Correlated With Societal Happiness

Note the political system under which the happiest countries operate. Not said in the article, but true: they are the least religious.

Want to be happy, move to one of these Top Ten countries.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

An Historical Look At Obedience To Authority

Adam Lee has posted in AlterNet an analysis of the history of obedience to authority, and its negative effects.

A Magic Bullet?

Steven Novella has posted on the Science-Based Medicine blog an analysis of a claim that a drug has been found that is a universal anti-cancer treatment.  The post gives a history of such claims and why this seemingly legitimate claim has some problems.  Let the buyer beware. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Beware Of "Natural News"

*Mike Adams (“The Health Ranger") under fire
Three recent stories have severely criticized the activities of Mike Adams, who operates Natural News and more than 50 other Web sites that promote questionable information.:
On March 3rd, Adams complained to his Natural News readers that YouTube had deleted more than 1,700 videos from his Health Ranger video channel. In June 2016, the channel's "About" page reported 101,541 followers and 21,895,111 views. Now that page states that the account was "terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines." It is not clear what triggered the ban.
- - - - - - -
* From Quackwatch Consumer Health Digest #18-10


Monday, March 12, 2018

Children Should Not Specialize In A Sport Too Early

The latest science information on the effects of various approaches to sports experiences.

What the Secrets of the Brain Reveal About Getting It Right When You Have To


Projection Will Not Get It

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

That is what many religious folks do to science-based thinkers.

I No More Worship Science As I Do My Wife

  (University of the Ozarks)

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Chances Are That They Are Not Frauds

When a noted religious figure dies, there are many of us atheists who claim that he or she was a fraud or a con-man. Such claims are serious legally and ethically.  They usually involve nefarious intent.  I ask those who easily throw out these terms to think hard about it: do you have hard evidence or it is just your unsupported opinion?  If it is the latter, I suggest avoiding these terms.  Just understanding what this image states is all we need to challenge these folks. To do otherwise puts us in the position to be challenged by them as evil.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

There May Be Some Value, But Now It Is Experimental

Stem Cell Therapy has promise, but be aware: chiroquackters are in the vanguard.

Exploiting science.

Let the buyer beware.

Better Ways To Handle Prisoners?

Historically, the USA has emphasized punishment of its prisoners rather than rehabilitation.  This 60 Minutes episode looks at  different approaches and their results.

All Religion Is Harmful And False

Before the presentation below showing the harm from religion, it is important to mention up-front that no claim on reality by any religion has been accepted by science, for example, this and this. Click here to see how Christianity is false.
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Following are just a few links in support of the harm of religion:

Religion poisons everything

The harmful influence of religion on society

Divisions created by religion are deep

The painful impact of conservative religion

The Christian Right

A History of Christian Nationalism

Conservative Christianity's effect on the mind

Is religion compatible with liberal democracy?

Does Christianity harm children?

Religion makes children more selfish

And, last but not least, Richard Carrier's take on it. If you think that liberal religion contains no harm, the last part of this link will cure you of that myth:

What’s the Harm? Why Religious Belief Is Always Bad

Monday, March 5, 2018

My Dream for the USA

I have a dream that one day the voters in the USA will understand the power of the Constitution: We the People of the United States can attenuate the corrupt politicians and the powerful.

I have a dream that one day all people will be fully recognized as being created equal, as such is supported by science.

I have a dream that one day those holding the power in the nation will be making decisions based on evidence and not unsupported dogma.

I have a dream that all opinions not supported by evidence will be marginalized.

I have a dream today.

(With respect to MLK)

The Most Dangerous Man In The World

Anyone who didn't already know this is either terribly uninformed or deluded by Republican ideology.  Trump Is Violent, Immature and Insecure, Psych Experts Say

Saturday, March 3, 2018

There Is A Better Way

Yes, politics in the USA is extremely polarized, with the Republicans being hijacked by the NRA and the Evangelical Christians and all.  So, what to do?  Realizing, that, by its very nature, compromise is necessary to move forward, from a practical, non-ideological perspective, this article present a wise way to handle it.  

Billy Graham Started It All

We just ended several days of over-the-top adulation of Billy Graham.  Just as with Mother Teresa, the truth is hidden under the media hype.  For example, Billy Graham was the person who essentially initiated the present National Day of Prayer, which is clearly unconstitutional. (link)  This lead to the mainstreaming of conservative evangelical Christianity:

He made the new wave of evangelical politics possible, and essentially agreed with all the harm from such. (link) "What harm?" you say. Well for starters, profound psychological harms. (link)

In spite of the harms from evangelical Christianity, the man clearly wanted a theocracy under such. (link)

While he was more honest and decent than many other preachers, his "legacy" is evil covered by dogma and slickness. He was the BIGGEST religious placebo in history, and exhibit A of why religion poisons everything.


Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
Click on image


Click on image