Showing posts with label Morality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morality. Show all posts

Sunday, September 20, 2020

More on "Original Sin": Not Only Is It Falsified, But It Is Immoral

Several months ago, I posted on the falsification of the dogma of "Original Sin" by science, thus making Christianity bogus from its start (link). The link below is to a video delving into the incoherence and immorality of the fictional story:

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Watch What They Do, Not What They Say

Hypocrisybehavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel.

As humans, most of us have a tendency to preach what is moral but to actually act in such a manner can be another story. The 8-minute video below presents some science behind this social phenomenon.

Friday, August 21, 2020

What Kind Of Society Do YOU Want To Live In?

Religious folks who are active in apologetics and/or politics usually are motivated to promote a more religious society. The following 3 videos should dispel the falsehood that people and societies need to be religious to be good:

"Are secular countries worse off than religious ones? Is atheism the downfall of nations? Are countries cursed by god when they stray from the faith? Or do non-religious outperform religious countries on measures of wealth, well-being, and success? Today, we'll dive into the data to see if atheism is, in fact, the downfall of nations or if the blessing of God/curse of secularism is a myth."

"Are Christian countries better off than secular countries? Does God bless Christian nations and curse atheist countries? Or are the secular countries better off when we measure wealth, prosperity, happiness, and well-being?"

"Does following Islam lead to prosperity and blessing and does apostasy lead to divine curse and nation-wide ruin? Today we'll explore the data and see if Muslim countries are more successful, happy, and prosperous than secular countries to see if Allah blesses nations that follow him or if secular countries are better off."

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"Time to slap down the criticisms of my research. Here's an in-depth overview of my methodology and all caveats related to my recent videos which showed that on a macro-level, secular countries rank far better on measures of wealth, prosperity, and well-being than religious countries do."

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Most Heinous Sin?

The Catholic Church considers abortion as the WORST sin one can commit (link). Consistent with this dogma are the apologists on Catholic Answers Live. Here is an example (see approx the 50-minute point forward in the video), and below was my response:  

  • "So, abortion is the WORST sin? I guess God is the biggest sinner then?,This%20statistic%20is%20sobering. Can you see the difference between a fertilized egg, or even an implanted pregnancy, and a human person with the attributes that most people accept as indicative of personhood? How about a violation of a pregnant women's bodily autonomy as being a sin worse than abortion? Instead of focusing on this issue, how about focusing on your dogma of an aborted or miscarried fetus going to God forever because of never committing an actual mortal sin? Think of all the souls with God that may end up in Hell if they achieve the "age of reason" and commit a mortal sin. Please be consistent with your dogma."
Ponder the irony here: these same conservative Catholics will vote for Trump based on this issue. Religion is a brain poison. In contrast to this dogmatic delusion, here is a reasonable "Pro-Lifer" expressing her opinion on how she now votes (link).

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Christian Apologists: Communication Also Includes Listening

"Today, William Lane Craig discusses the Euthyphro Dilemma and tries to wiggle out of it without saying anything of substance. As is his normal MO."

Vapid talking points debunked too many times to count, and the Christian Apologetic train keeps on rolling along. Sad.

Click on the link below:

Will William Lane Craig Ever Answer the Question?

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Advertising And Lies

"What does a company mean when they claim their product is the 'world’s best?' Usually nothing. Step into the weird world of advertising puffery."

Click on the link below:

The "Lies" Advertisers Can Legally Tell You

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Absurdity Of Life Without God?

"William Lane Craig asks, 'Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?' Modern man has tried to answer those questions without reference to God, but the answers that came back were not exhilarating, but dark and terrible.
"But do our wishes determine what is true? Do our fears determine what is true? Or is reality what is true?"

This is another example of William Lane Craig's poor understanding of the mind of the atheist regarding meaning and morality. Click on the link below for a rebuttal to his ignorance.

"The absurdity of life without God" Response

Click on this link for another example of how freethinkers can lead a purpose-driven life.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Is Christian Morality Objective?

Christian apologists usually mention that morality is objective and it comes from God. I usually retort in a manner that many atheists use:
  • If there were no sentient beings, there would be no need for morality.
  • Even if there was a God (there is no evidence for any god, and Christianity's foundation is falsified), your God is a person (or 3 of them; that's a discussion for another time), thus, its opinion would be subjective.
  • Morality is subjective. It is formed from each rational person's opinion through evolution/biology and socialization, with the input of objective information from science. In democratic societies, laws are reflective of the majority's opinion on morality. It is "bottom-up" instead of an unjustified autocratic "top-down."
If Christian morality was truly objective and came from an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving God, why can't Christians and their denominations agree on what are moral acts? A good example of this inconsistency is how Christians argue over abortion:
  • It is always wrong because of the sanctity of life, which begins at the moment of conception.
  • It is permitted in some circumstances such as protecting the lives of pregnant women.
  • It is always permitted because of the sanctity of bodily autonomy.
This link gives more information regarding the value of secular morality.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Atlantic Slave Trade (From Both Sides)

The 5-minute video below gives not only an interesting picture of the history of the Atlantic Slave Trade in the Americas but also its effect on Africa. Oh, please, Christian apologists, stop denying the effects of your Bible on this: "- - -  if asked, most slaveholders would have defined themselves as Christian" (link)

Click on the link below:

The Atlantic Slave Trade: what too few textbooks told you

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Moral Responsibility And Free Will

"Does morality require free will? Philosophers and brain scientists argue that our ‘will’ is less ‘free’ than we think. How do arguments about free will impact morality and civil society, including the judicial system and legal defenses?"

If there ever was a topic that is more important, but more difficult on which to agree in a free society, I haven't seen it. Justice, retribution, safety, and freedom are all intertwined in the question.

Click on this link for an in-depth analysis of the topic.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Justice And Poverty: Moral Issues

Most people have fairly firm opinions on the topics of justice and poverty. The two links below delve into them and reveal the diversity of how we think and act about both of them. Since there is so much disagreement in society regarding them, is there a way to address them as a society? As Matt Dillahunty has said, * morality is subjective but once there is some agreement, HOW to address it uses objective evidence.

What is Justice?

Poverty & Our Response to It

* Morality comes from evolution and socialization, no God is necessary.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Where Our Morals Come From

"Where do morals come from? Today I team up with Alex J. O’Connor (Cosmic Skeptic) to tackle the question of where morality comes from, how we determine what’s moral, what the origin of morality is, and what the nature of morality is."

A reminder: they most probably do NOT come from a top-down authoritarian God. Click on the link below for the 10-minute video:

Find the answer through science

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Moral And Scientific Progress Due To Christianity?

There is a widespread opinion within Christianity that the moral progress of humanity is due to Christianity. This book authored by John Dickerson entitled "Jesus Skeptic" is a good example of this biased thinking. Dickerson claims that Jesus "launched the greatest movement for social good in human history." This review challenges his claim:
  • " - - - Dickerson claims that the advances of the scientific method, fostering public education and universities, pioneering hospitals and modern medicine, and the abolition of slavery were core developments in human society in which Christians have been the primary participants. These seem to be in juxtaposition to broader assumptions about Christianity that it is anti-science, anti-intellectual, superstitious, and complicit in human injustice. - - - These four areas are selectively chosen and while there are Christians who were active in these areas, there are also Christians who were active in opposition. To present the narrative that Christian faith is the primary factor responsible for science, education, medicine, and freedom also carries a dangerous assumption that non-Christians are incapable of supporting the same virtuous activities. - - - "
Also, here are three articles in opposition to this claim (link)(link)(link).
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In addition to the above, apologists claim that science came from Christianity. As this video shows (beginning at 9:30), this ignores the science from Islam, and those civilizations before the beginning of Christianity such as the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Chinese, and the Indians from which Christianity borrowed. Also, the claim cannot be falsified because a controlled experiment is impossible.

In western civilization, all scientists in the early stages of science were male and white. Based on this flawed thinking, being male and/or white could also be its cause. Finally, since Christianity controlled every form of education during the early years of science in Europe, how could scientists NOT be Christian?

(NOTE: ALL religious people stop at Level 2 of Moral Development, according to Lawrence Kohlberg: "Behavior driven by obeying authority and conforming to social order." (link)

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***If you disagree with this post, how do you justify or verify that your beliefs are true? What is your view regarding the value of evidence?***
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Saturday, November 16, 2019

Morality Values Are Subjective But Application is Objective?

"Morality is situational."

"We have moral worth to ourselves, that's what matters."

"The foundation of morality is individual and subjective and based on maximizing well-being,"

"Once we care about our well-being as a society, we can make non-subjective assessments of the consequences of our actions to maximize well-being."

The above are quotes by Matt Dillahunty challenging Christian arguments that morality is objective and comes from a God. Below is a 20-min video presenting his counter-argument:

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Danger Of Evangelical Christianity

As we all know, the Republican Party in the USA has been hijacked by the Evangelical Christians. The meme in the image below is essentially the dogma under which they think and act: faith trumps good works. Be aware of the mindset of these folks who come across as super-moral: if they come across a reasonable, evidence-based action to improve humanity but if it is against what they think their Jesus says, there is no way they will change their mind. It has been poisoned.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Character Is Important

“'Although the public school system is not perfect and has continual room for improvement,' the researchers state in the executive summary, 'it is still the cornerstone of community empowerment and advancement in American society. The required inclusivity of the public school setting provides more opportunity for students to learn in culturally, racially, and socioeconomically integrated classrooms and schools, and that promotes social-emotional and civic benefits for students.'

"That 'required inclusivity' frightens some people, but it shouldn’t. It helps us improve the world by getting to know each other as neighbors.

"On his deathbed, Fred Rogers worried that he hadn’t done enough to improve the world. 'Am I a sheep?' he asked, referencing another parable, this one where Jesus separates the good sheep from the useless goats.

"Perhaps someone this humble, as authentic and honest in private as he was in public, as dedicated to helping children and leaving the world a better place, is truly one of a kind. For all our sakes, I hope not."


Read more here:

Monday, June 25, 2018

A Letter To Trump Supporters


You got your preferred Supreme Court justice – even though that was only possible because Senate Republicans left the high court short-handed for a year for nakedly political purposes.

You got a pro-life candidate back in the White House – even though the abortion rate had already fallen to an all-time-low under a pro-choice president but may go back up because of policies implemented by a pro-lifer that undermine health care and comprehensive contraception coverage provisions that helped push the rate down.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

AGAIN, One Does NOT Have To Be Religious To Be Good

The following classical blog post by Atheist Revolution of over 10 years ago made some important points that most theists are not aware of even today. Thus, the need to re-post it.

Secular Humanism Involves Compassion Too



Click on image

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.

Choose how you look at reality wisely. Yes, it is a binary choice.
Click on image